New Blood

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It has been a few days since the death of Eda and the house was a mess, everything was thrown and broken. Hoot no longer alive because Hoot lived because of Eda's magic. Luz laid on the floor hugging the pillow King sleep in, King was no longer here as well. He was inside Eda's hair when she was petrified. She was alone with no one to help her, she wanted to go home to her mother but she can't the door for some reason stop working.

"My, my, my," said a male voice.

Luz turns around to see a man standing at the door, he was dress in all black and from what she could see he was an elderly person. she didn't care and continue to lay on the floor, if she died so be it.

"What wrong little one?"

Luz saw that the old man was standing next to her. "If you come to kill me just get it over with"

"Kill you? Now, why would I do that?"

Luz looked at the old man in confusion, everyone knows she was Eda's apprentice, in fact, there is now even a wanted poster for her. "If you are not here to kill me, are you here to capture me to get the reward?" Luz said pointing to the poster.

"Oh! You are wanted"

"You didn't know?"

"No, I came here because of something else"

Luz was, even more, confused now, he didn't know about her been wanted. "So why did you came here?"

"Well, it started to rain and I saw this house"

"Oh, I see. Well, make yourself home" Luz said laying down.

The old man kneeled next to Luz and stare at her, checking her out. "You know, what you are doing is creepy?"

"Mmm? Oh, my bad. It's just, you might be the being I'm searching for"

Luz looks at the old man, she was mildly concerned but more curious as to what the old man meant. "What for?"

"You see, I need a successor and unfortunately I was not blessed with children"

"So, you think I could be your successor? Forget it, I don't want to do anything" Luz said turning her back to the old man and closing her eyes.

"What if, it gave the power you want?"

Luz opens her eyes and turns around to see the old man but he was gone. It was then that the room plunged into darkness, she couldn't see anything but still feel the stuff she has broken.

"I know about what happened to your previous teacher"

The old man's voice could be heard everywhere within the darkness. "What do you know about that? Are you Belos witch?"

The old man laughed. "No, my dear, I'm someone searching for a successor"

"Then, go search for someone else!! I'm not interested!!"

"Oh, but I know my words trigger something within you. You want power, the power to get your vengeance against those who killed your teacher"

Luz was angry, not at the old man but to herself. She knew the old man was right, all this time she has been searching for a way to get more powerful in order to kill Belos and Lilith.

"Yes, I can see it. You desire power, you hunger it, you lust for it. I can give the power"

Luz stood still, she wanted this power, and if she has to sell her soul to the devil, that's a price she was willing to pay. "You are right I want power, the power to enact my revenge"

The old man laughs maniacally. "Then, you wish to become my successor!? To grant you this power!!"

"Yes!! I want this power!! And if it kills the goodness in me, so be it!!"

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