Interlude: The Bedroom

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Dave walked into the bedroom quietly and shut the door.

Ethan was already reading in bed like he usually was around this time. He had a really routine schedule... It was Monday, so he knew Ethan would be in bed reading by nine that night.

Dave couldn't imagine living life that way. Sharing a bedroom with someone was so weird.

Dave walked over to his bed and threw his stuff on the shelf next to it. He sat down before laying face up on the bed and looked at the ceiling for a while.

With two beds in this room now, the dresser had to be moved out to the hallway. It was kind of annoying not having that much space. Dave used to always throw his stuff on the dresser.

But at least he didn't have to pay rent anymore. It was a sweet deal, so he shouldn't complain.

He had been sharing a room with Ethan for about a week already. He was definitely the best option of the three when it came to rooming with someone. Dave liked Morgan and Liam a small doses. There was no way he'd survive living in a room with either of them.

He hadn't learned too much about Ethan yet.

He read a lot. He worked a nine to five and it was his very first job out of college. Liam kept calling him 'mom' as a joke, but that was because he really was a little overboard on the taking care of people... Ethan's hobbies, from what Dave gathered so far, were reading and taking care of people. Wether they wanted his help or not.

Ethan did this in a few different ways... Dave noticed he would always be the first one awake, so he almost always made coffee and had breakfast ready. Even if you didn't want breakfast. He was really into cooking too, so he guessed Ethan had two hobbies -- annoyingly mothering people, and reading.

Ethan's job wasn't any different -- he was just starting out in social work. He still had a lot of ladders to climb in his career, just having graduated and all, but when Dave found out what Ethan did for a living he had tried not to laugh. What a perfect job for this guy.

Ethan was a very sweet, responsible twenty one year old boy, living together with him in his bedroom, and that's about all he knew about him so far.

He was still confused why Ethan was letting him stay there for free. He seemed like such a sucker, adopting three gay boys into his house rent-free so he could take care of them... And all they did was get the place messy and party almost every night. Dave didn't get it.

"How was your Monday?"

Ethan always asked him how his day went. It used to piss him off the first few days they shared the room. It was really none of Ethan's damn business how his day went, but he had gotten used to it already.


Ethan laughed a little from his book and was glancing over at him from the page. Dave guessed he was laughing at his one word answer.

"What did you do?"

"Uh, not much. I just had one class late this afternoon. I worked out this morning, played piano, and went to class. Nothing exciting."

"What class?"

"Linear Algebra."

"...What?" Ethan put his book down onto his chest and looked over at home again. "Wait, Dave, what are you studying?"

"Computer Science."

Ethan laughed. Why the fuck was that funny?

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing," he was trying to stop, "For some reason... I guess I just assumed you were studying music."

Dave smiled, "Well I mean... I can see why you would think that. I'm pretty good."

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