Chapter Three

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            I'm almost taken aback by her request. It's surprising because it's almost as if she was asking for her will to be taken away. I flash her an uncertain look and once again am met with a venomous stare. “Give me a second, I’ve never tried to bring them out during the day. I have to ask Aaren to assist me.” I reply trying to placate her. She backs off, but her eyes tell me that I only have a brief time to bring her what she wants. “Aaren, is it possible to bring out my eyes again?” I ask through my thoughts.

            So my young Cain, you finally turn to your true self at the hands of a woman. You truly are one of the lustful sinners. Similar to how you have not pondered your latent, I have also let it slip my mind. Perhaps a sudden influx of energy would be enough to enlighten me. Or if that does not please you, perhaps a promise to follow at least one act that I suggest in the coming week.

            I pause to think of the offer. To learn more I would either have to try to kiss Cassia or give in to one of Aaren's demands at some given point in time. The second option is surely the only way to go, but while it would be nice to know about my ability, Aaren’s suggestions are… “Fine, fine, one act in the coming week in return for learning everything about this ability of mine. Make sure you quit the dramatics too.” As Aaren stayed silent, the image of a devilish grin flashed through my mind.

            In your eyes lies the power of seduction and lust itself. I do not know where it is born of, but I can tell you how to use it. You know that by just looking into a woman’s eyes that your influence is increased tenfold, but by pouring magical influence you can do even more. For a large cost of energy, you can use your energy during the day, but as you move forward Cain, your eyes’ influence will stretch beyond that of just women. Perhaps one day the very city will be under your grasp.

            “Watch yourself, Aaren, you’re beginning to sound like a sin of greed.”

Perhaps your right, but you’ll eventually see that my goal isn’t as grand as having the city under my control. I think I might be silent for now. I’ll have to create a list of things that I wish for you to do in order of priority.

A list? I’ve never heard of a sin doing such mortal things. It doesn’t matter though, either way I know more about my power. Aaren said to focus magical energy into my eyes. I wonder what he meant by a large cost; he usually reserves that term for long distance dispersals. I hope the energy from last night carries over. “Cassia, I’m going to try to force my ability to activate. Aaren told me that the energy required is about the same as transporting myself from here to the patrician’s hill instantaneously.”

“I’ve been waiting here for quite some time. There is only so much more time that I can wait.” She says, but I’m no longer listening. I’ve placed all my focus into pooling most of my energy into my eyes. As soon as I’ve pooled enough energy for two forced dispersals, I feel all of it suddenly vanish. I open my eyes, and immediately close my them against the light. Had the kitchen been this bright before?

“Cass, did it work?” I ask while slowly trying to adjust to the light. Once, my eyes can finally stand to open somewhat, Cassia’s blurry figure slowly transforms into an image that I’m sure that every young slum boy dreams of. Cassia’s once angry and haughty demeanor had changed into that of love-struck girl. Her angry eyes had melted away into eyes that searched for approval. She slightly bit her lips as if she was worried that the thoughts in her head may very well slip out. You could feel the restraint in her pose and a little bit of sexual poise in the way she leaned over the counter. Seeing Cass like this only inspires one feeling in me, discomfort.

Hmmm, I can tell that you are upset, but I can’t place a name on it. You couldn’t possibly be unhappy with the current state of our dear Cassia could you? I truly hope that some remnants of a bad memory just suddenly came to you, and now you will begin to advance upon the heavenly gift before you.

“I’m going to change her back.”

I’ll try to ignore that last comment as you gather your wits-

“Tell me how to changer back.”

There simply is no way pleasing you is there Cain? “Oh please tell me how to use my eyes, Aaren. Oh Aaren, I’ve changed my mind please clean up my mess for me. Aaren, great news! I finally decided to accept some of your request, so I can raise money to save my sister.” I feel very unappreciated Cain. We’ve been together forever, and yet you only treat me as a tool. Perhaps one day, you will see that I am not like the other sins. Then perhaps we will be able to achieve some version of harmony.

            I stay silent at the outburst, not knowing what to say. It seems almost as if Aaren were addressing my thoughts directly. While it may be true that I only go along with him based upon ulterior motives, but doesn’t he do the same? And better yet, why does a sin have feelings. Everyone always speaks of sins and virtues like emotionless beings with only one nature. Aaren emits soft sigh and continues, interrupting my thoughts.

            Silence? I suppose that the day that I dream of will not arrive anytime soon. I have decided to help you with our young kitten over here, as she has climbed upon the counter like a feline without you have noticing. Now one thing that you may recall is that your ability does have a definite range, so perhaps distancing yourself from her will do you some good. The best option is to excuse yourself and head into town. We can come by later and see if our little experiment had any effect.

            “Thanks Aaren.” I whisper out loud, as I condense my remaining magical energy into small dosage of sleep poison that floats in a misty ball right above my open palm. I gently blow on the ball and watch as it gently sails over to Cassia and disperses. Cassia’s eyes slowly close as the magic takes effect, and I move to catch her before she falls off the counter. I sit her down in the chair and move to the door, leaving the jug of water to be picked up later. As the door softly clicks into place behind me, I think I hear Aaren whisper 'your welcome' softly.

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