Alan vs Animating

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~Alan's POV~

Once Second woke up after the battle, he refused to let me out of his sight. He didn't remember his powers. However Chosen, Victim, and I agreed to never tell Second about what really happened. Instead, we gave Chosen all the credit. That night, he dragged me to his bed, so he could cuddle up against me. Surprisingly, I let him. Maybe it's the dad in me missing my kids.

As I wake up, I remember the project I was working on and groaned. How was I going to animate while in the computer? Thinking back, Second has animated plenty of times before, and he's in the computer. Slowly untangling Seoncd from me, I head out to the animating app. Opening it up, I grabbed the pencil from the tools section.

Slowly, I was able to draw the frames I remembered. I would have to climb up the drawings to get the top parts, but I made sure I was safe. As I was finishing the last slide, I noticed Second come in. As I turned my attention, I could feel my hand slip and I began to fall. Closing my eyes, I felt a pair of stick arms catch me. Looking up, I see Second looking down at me.

"Uh, oops?" I said, trying to wave off my little fall away. Second reluctantly let me down. As I went to go climb up and finish, I felt a tug on my sleeve.

"Alan, you just fell. No way am I letting u climb that again," Second said in a stern voice. I looked at him confused.


"Give me the pencil, I'll finish the animation." Usually, I loved working with him. Keywords, usually and with. Pulling the pencil closer to me, I try to tug free of his grip to no avail. With ease, Second slipped the pencil out of my grip and drew one of his helpers. As Second finished the animation, the helper kept me to the side, watching. I looked at him annoyed as he called the helper back to pencil.

"What?" Second asked innocently. Glaring at him, I stomp over and grab the pencil from him.

"I didn't want you to finish the animation for me. I love drawing with you, but you just put me to the side like I didn't matter." I looked at Second frustrated as I paced across the animation window.

"I didn't want you to hurt yourself," Second said as if he ras rolling his eyes. Was he serious? He was. He actually was.

"Wait, so because I'm in the computer, I can't animate. The thing I like to do the most? Seriously. I only fell cause I got distracted. You can't be serious," I ranted at Second, because I absolutely love animating.

"Okay, you have a point. I may have been overreacting, but I'm not used to you actually being in danger." Looking at him, I could see he made a very valid point.

"How about I won't animate alone, okay? You can make sure I'm safe if you are with me animating." I tried to compromise. Second gave a small nod. The rest of the day was full of animating, cause doing it in the computer is so much more fun. Second made sure to keep an eye on me, and made sure I didn't accidentally hurt myself. Eventually, we both collapsed on the floor of the animation window, falling deeply asleep.

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