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Anne: Remember that one time you said I was your best friend

Catalina: No

Jane: That was me

Anna: How do you even confuse those two

Anne: It's not that hard!

Jane: I'm blonde

Catalina: I'm a brunette

Jane: I'm short

Catalina: I'm tall

Jane: I'm nice

Catalina: I'm not

Jane: I like dogs

Catalina: I like cats

Jane: I'm your cousin

Catalina: I'm not

Jane: I've never bitch slapped you in public

Catalina: I have

Jane: I've never tried to convince the cook to poison you

Catalina: I have

Jane: I stop you from jumping off the roof onto the trampoline

Catalina: I don't

Jane: I've never tried to run you over

Catalina: I have

Anne: .......

Anna: Y'all got issues

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