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Catalina: So everyday I wake up, get ready, go downstairs, help Jane. And then I go back upstairs and chant to myself of how I can be better.

Jane: That's really positive!

Catalina: Because if I don't do better then everyone will leave me, and hate me, and cheat on me. So I have to be good enough.

Jane: Wait - nO

Anne: So obviously I'm a slut, so I slut shame myself as a wake-up alarm -

Cathy: B i t c h. You didn't nothing wrong, you are perfect, that man whore was the one who fucked shit up, don't be lyin' to yourself in the morning because I wil personally come in there and s m o t h e r you in affection and the  tRuTh of how you -

Jane: Hahahaha I'll shut up now

Catalina: Why

Jane: Because I have to clean, and cook and - *lists every job*

Catalina: Wtf no. I'll do half, you do the other half, you perfect human being.

Anna: I'm so ugly

Kat: The fuck

Anna: Better go work out

Kat: HAHAHAHA  N O P E, we gonna have a talk about self worth and you are priceless

Kat: It was my fault

Everyone (but Kat): *chaotic disagreement*

Cathy: I should've died like the rest of you guys.....

Anne: And this is when I tackle you to the ground and refuse to let go until you negate that statement-

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