Chapter four

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Elizabeth's POV

"Elizabeth, terrified of who?"

I sit there, wide eyed and mouth gaping.

How do I even talk myself out of this?

Being my awkward self and still very aware of his hand on my face, the first thing I can stutter out is, "Psh, what? I never said that."

He gives me a look, letting me know he doesn't believe me, "Don't give me that. You and I both know exactly what you said."

I sigh, "Please, Luke, not tonight. Please don't pry."

His eyes turn lighter and he gives me a sympathetic look before nodding. "Fine. Not tonight, but eventually." I nod and he begins to change the subject, dropping his hand. "Julie is going to sing for her teacher tomorrow. I know how hard it is for you to see her sing, but if you want to come, the offer is on the table."

"Do you really think I'd miss it? I'll be there, Patterson."

"Thanks, Beth."


I question him, to which he shrugs.

He stands up, flattening his jeans, "Well I better get going. Alex and Reg will notice I'm gone. See you tomorrow?"

I nod and give him a small wave.

As soon as he's gone, I'm fast asleep. Crying can really ware a person out.

3rd Person POV

The next morning Julie got out of bed, determined to get back into her music program.

Elizabeth had been awake for quite sometime, thinking that her life, or lack there of, would be over from embarrassment.

Julie popped her head into her sister's room for some encouragement, "Wish me luck sis," She kissed her fingers and pointed them up at the sky, making the ghost on the bed laugh.

Elizabeth POV

I could barely contain my excitement to see Julie preform as I followed her into the music room.

There's no way the school would deny her a spot after hearing her, but as we entered the room, the only person sat here, was Flynn, who was playing a sad tune on a trumpet.

Julie gave her a concerned look, "What are you doing and where is everyone?"

Flynn set the instrument down, looking at Julie, letting out a sigh, "Spirit assembly. I was kind of blowing it off 'cause I wasn't feeling very spirity."

Julie sighs and Flynn fully turns towards her best friend, "You okay?"

"Not really," Julie begins, "I had this new plan to play for Mrs. Harrison, hoping she'd let me back in, but.. I guess I missed my chance."

Flynn's face lit up and I knew exactly what she was thinking, "No," She stands up and walks over to Julie "you didn't."

As soon as we enter the gym, Dirty Candy is beginning their performance.

Flynn scoffs, "Look who spend all her daddy's money on costumes and Katy Perry's choreographer."

Julie shrugs, "Well, it paid off."

She definitely wasn't wrong.

A few seconds later, the boys poof in and Julie turns to them, "What are you doing here?"

Luke starts speaking, with a giddy smile on his face, "We wanted to see you stick it to the man." He turns towards his friends, "Isn't that right, boys?"

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