Chapter three

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3rd person POV

The ghost girl lied asleep in her room, while her younger, alive sister was scolded down stairs. In the time that she was asleep, lots had happened.

The alive girl spoke with the ghosts and ultimately allowed them to stay, when she headed up into her, seemingly dead, sisters room. What she didn't know, was that, right under her nose, her sister really was there.

Julie felt particularly upset that night and did what she normally did when she felt this way; slept in her sisters room.

The young girl sat on the bed, waking up Elizabeth. As the older girl registered what was happening, she slid over. Elizabeth wanted nothing more than to be able to hug her, but for now, having her sister was enough for her, and with that, the older girl fell fast asleep.

The next morning came quickly and when Elizabeth woke up, Julie was gone and faint piano sounds could be heard from the garage.

The ghost girl poofed out of bed and into the studio where Julie was beginning to play a song she knew all too well.

As Julie began to sing the first notes, tears instantly formed in the ghost girls eyes. The song continued on and Elizabeth could barely handle her emotions.

The ghost girl was sat on the piano in front of Julie with her head in her hands, unknown to the ghost boys standing right in front of her. Elizabeth hadn't cried this much since she came back and found out Julie was unaware of her.

Moments later Flynn came into the garage and began to talk about how sad her life was going to be. Still upset and not in the mood for this, Elizabeth poofed to outside where she saw the three boys peeping into the garage.

At the sound of her coming out, the boys turned around, guilty looks etched across their faces.

Elizabeth was not a happy camper, "Were you guys here the whole time?"

The boys begin to stutter, unsure of what to say. None of them are good liars, noted.

Elizabeth wasn't done with her banter, "Seriously guys? You can't give us 10 minutes of privacy?"

Luke awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, "Well if it makes you feel better, you're sister has the voice of an angel."

She sighed, "You think I don't know that?"

Reggie decided to converse with them, being overly excited as usual, "Not only that, but that song was amazing! Seriously, I have ghost bumps!"

Luke agreed, "Yeah! That song you and Julie wrote is a amazing. Seriously, you've got talent."

Elizabeth felt like a fish out of water for a moment, "How did you know we wrote it together?"

Luke began stuttering again, but luckily, Alex spoke up, "We saw it on the piano the other day and read through it. When we mentioned it to Julie she told us she wrote it with you and her mom."

Just then, Julie came out of the garage and the boys made it look like weren't doing anything, while Julie covered up seeing them with Flynn.

Looking at the boys, Liz told them she was leaving, "Well, I'm going to school with Julie today. Don't do anything stupid."

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