part 9, roomates...?

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I got up and rushed downstairs and skipped into the kitchen, seeing Clay setting out a plate of pancakes and bacon. I sat down at the counter, smiling.

He kissed me on the cheek, "Good morning y/n."

I blushed a bit, "Good morning." I smiled.

We ate breakfast, talking and laughing about the SMP and about last night.

We both agreed to keep our relationship a secret. We didn't want anyone on the SMP knowing in case it somehow was brought up in a stream.

"I gotta get dressed for work, you mind putting the dishes away?" He asked pecking me on the cheek again.

"Of course."

As Clay ran upstairs, I got a call from Fundy. I really have to tell him that me and Clay are staying together.

"Hey!" I said.

"Good morning y/n. How has your day been so far?" He said. I could hear him smiling as he said it.

"Its good! Me and Cl- I mean I made breakfast. Pancakes hehe" I said nervously.

"Oh! Cool."

"What about you? Any plans?" I asked

"Well me and Eret wanted to try and add onto the garden. Its looking really good!" He said excitingly.

"Gard- OH! I haven't been online in so long I almost forgot. Im happy that it looks so good." I said.

"Yeah, I miss youuuu!" He said.

"Me too! I wish I could see you." I frowned. I really did miss him.

"You know what, Im coming to visit you!!" He said.

"wh- WHAT??" I almost dropped my phone.

"Yep. And you're not stopping me. Im booking a ticket to Florida right now." He said. I could hear him clicking and typing on his computer.

"Fundy no I don't think thats a good idea." Clay walked in the room as I said it.

He pointed to the dishes and I pointed to my phone, mouthing that it was Fundy. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Done! Im coming in 2 days." He said proudly.

"I cant wait to see you!!!" I said laughing nervously.

"Same! bye, I love you!" He said smiling.

"Bye I love you too." I said hanging up.

Clay looked up as I said 'I love you' and I laughed.

"Um so I have... news..." I said twiddling my thumbs.

"Oh great." He said smiling and placing his elbows on the counter.

"Um so Fundy is coming here... in two days..." I said, looking into his eyes so he wouldn't be as mad.

"WH- WHAT?" He said jolting up.

"I know I know i'm sorry he just wanted to and I couldn't stop him ." I frowned and put my head down, "Ugh."

"Y/n its not your fault, i know that. But what are we gonna do?"  He said looking down at me.

"We could uh... tell.. him..." I said peeking up.

"But what if he tells someone. What if people find out." Clay said.

"He hasn't seen your face yet... right?" I said smirking.

"You're evil." Clay said smiling, knowing exactly what my intentions were.

We made up a plan. Clay would pretend to be my roommate so Fundy wouldn't get suspicious of anything. He would try not to talk a lot, knowing Bad would recognize his voice.

"What are we gonna do if it doesn't work?" I say, frowning.

Clay placed his hand on my chin, lifting my head up. My eyes met his, "Hey. Don't stress out about it. If anything does go wrong we can just tell Fundy. The only person he would ever tell is you. And you obviously already know."

I hugged Clay and we sat down on the couch, turning on a cartoon and falling asleep on each other.

Ok so HI yes hello. I realize I could have just make it so that Clay hid from furry man, BUTTT that wouldn't be interesting. wee woo

Dream x reader: Cry BabyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora