Coming out

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Today was the start of the end for Micheal yet he didn't know this. His sister Adyson had been getting ready for school when he woke up

"5 minutes Micheal"
He wasn't even dressed yet so he showered quicker then a f1 cars top speed and sped to his room he found most of his school uniform except for his trousers
He rushed to the washer and pulled out a pair of trousers unknowingly to him was his sisters trousers. He jumped on the bus and got his first catcall
"Hey Micheal nice ass"
"Are you gay mate"
"Shut up I'm not the one who's wearing girls trousers"
That was when he realised his mistake
He started to wonder how many people saw him wearing the trousers and how to get around being in school that day but nothing came to mind and he slumped in his seat afraid of the day to come.

He was sat in class when on the speaker he heard
"Can Micheal Barley please report to the school office please!" with a loud thundering the sound cut out.
"Hey tranny enjoy your little chat" yelled Bruce

"Bruce outside now that's inappropriate. You will be reported for that" said the math teacher.

"Shut up teach I'm only telling the faggot what he is" yelled back Bruce

*Micheal walked down to the office to find a counsellor their talking with the principle*

"Hello Micheal please take a seat you can go in soon" said the receptionist without a glance towards him

"What have you done this time Micheal" said the receptionist

"Well that's the thing I have no clue"
"You probably do but won't admit to it that's probably another suspension for you Micheal you know after 5 you get kicked out don't lose your future" boomed the receptionist in anger at Micheal lying

"Micheal please come in and take a seat" whispered the principle.
"Micheal we happen to notice your not wearing correct uniform please tell us why this is"

"Well I don't know honestly I was rushing to get to the school bus on time and picked any pair of trousers out of the washer"

"Well thank god that saves a lot of explaining for the counsellor but still you can't mix and match uniforms we have found you a spare girls tie,blouse and shoes to wear"

"But sir I'm not a girl I don't want to be one"

"I'm sorry but there is no boys uniform left besides it seems fine for you to wear girls trousers so just put this on and go back to class or you will be on your 4th suspension"

"Fine" claimed Micheal with a hint of anger and hate in his voice
"God some kids these days would be happy for clothes to wear"muttered the principle as Micheal walked away

*Micheal walks back to class*

"Hey guys guess what the trannys back after changing to be more of a tranny" yelled Bruce

"Bruce how many times have I told you this lesson to stop being homophobic" yelled the math teacher

"Yeh Bruce shut up leave Micheal alone you ugly little rat honestly your probably the tranny in this class"
*micheal popped his head up he didn't expect Amelia his crush to be taking his side*

*micheal walks to Amelia after class*
"Hi Amelia thanks for standing up for me in class today"
"No problem but I do have one question"
"What is it?"
"Are you trans?"
*micheal paused should he A tell the truth and never spend time with Amelia again or B lie and say he's trans.*
"Amelia yes I am"

"Hahahahaha that's all I needed" Adyson pressed send on her phone and now his mother knew he was trans with no way of backing out of it

"Why did u do that"
"Duh your gonna be a girl forever now tranny hahahaha"
"Honestly Adyson leave her alone"
*Micheal blushed at being called her he never expected it and was very happy when she said it for some reason*

*They finished lunch and last period together than he walked home with her got her number and headed to his house where his mum awaited*

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