c h a p t e r. 26

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Jazz nods, because he remembers that.

Intense voices, yelling and angry and hurt making the whole house shake. Nyx and Damien speaking too fast and loud for him to remember what they said but he knows the feeling he got, watching both of them half to tears and glaring at each other.

Anyone who grew up with Nyx and Damien-- even if they had their own best friends, Teddy and Axel and Levi-- knew that those two meant the world to each other.

Even at ten years old, Jazz looked up to his oldest sister and saw how much her and the devil boy meant to each other, even if those stubborn asses didn't admit it to each other until they were well into their senior year of high school.

"And I went to Mama and I asked her if she thought she'd ever lose Papa," She explained. "Did you know they broke up before at butterflyland?"

"Papa told me one year," The musician nodded. "Didn't say why past it was his fault."

"Bullshit," His sister rolled her eyes. "It was because Talmai beat him up, he had to lie about it and Mama didn't know. Couldn't see him 'fight' anymore, y'know how triggered she gets at seeing bruises and cuts and stuff, and broke up with him. It was like, a month and a half later they got back together, I think? Anyways, I asked and she said that."

"Mama would never lose Papa though," Jazz tilted his head, frowning slightly because he had no clue where she was going with this.

"We know that, she didn't back then," Nyx rolled her eyes again. "But the point is, they've been through some shit. I've been through stuff too, I know you have as well. Second point, papa and mama got through it together. We went through our things alone."


"Jazz," She sighed. "It's okay to rely on that boy of yours, alright? He's not going away, I saw the way he looks at you; how you look at him. Eris told me once that Damien looks at me like Papa looks at Mama--"

"Because he does."

"--and that really helped me. You don't need help, you guys are already cute together, but he looks at you like that too, okay? I swear, his eyes just... he seems like someone who's gone through something really painful. I could see it in his eyes, Cas always looked tense. He's a softie for you, though."

"Castor calls me a puppy," Jazz laughed out, blushing slightly from the turn the conversation took. "He says I'm a dork, too."

"You really like him, don't you?"

"Yes." The reply was instant. "He's... I don't know. He's just mine, and I'm his. It's enough."

"Mhm," Nyx smirked, crossing her arms over her chest, blue galaxy song turning sarcastic. "Sure it is. Viv and I talk, and I totally don't know about your 'oh fuck, I love him' moment."

"Blaine!" He flushed, reaching over the table to shove her shoulder as his sister only laughed. "That's a no-no topic!"

"Alright, alright," She held her hands up with a chuckle, shrugging innocently. "I'll leave it alone. Just-- if something scares you, if he scares you, don't keep that to yourself, yeah? I can tell Cas is the type of person to respect boundaries, to not want to hurt you, so bring it up if something goes wrong. Or to, I don't know, drop the 'L bomb on him."

"I'm ending this conversation," Jazz pouted out.

Nyx only rolled her eyes, looking down at her lap when Malchance, one of her two cats, jumped onto her lap, one paw raised to bap her on her cheek, wanting attention.

Feeling his phone ping in his pocket, the musician pulls it out and opens the message from his boyfriend.

Grumpy God
fuck you
*sent photo*

Jazz Red's AnomalyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz