I'm sorry

771 20 14

Offenderman turned around and looked at you seeing you filled with fear. He goes to walk closer to you but you get of the bed and run out the room as he runs after you; you scream "STAY AWAY FROM ME MONSTER" you then ran out of the house and stopped at a tree to catch your breath as you turn around to see if he was still chasing after you but noticed he had stopped at the door and fall to his knees and take his fedora off and cover his face. You felt guilty for what you said so you go to walk toward him but sometimes grabbed your hips and covered your mouth and pulled you into the dark forest. You scream but your scream was muffled so offenderman didn't hear you.

Kidnapper pov
Perfect job k you pissed offenderman off and y/n called him a monster and now I can finally kill him using y/n as bate hehehe.

Normal pov
You were suddenly knocked out and when you woke up you were in a warehouse that had weird symbols everywhere. You try to stand up put you found you self tired to a chair and nude; you got ready to yell but was cut off by a voice in the dark corner " go for it scream as loud as you can cause I want offenderman to come so I can kill him" you looked over and saw your crazy ex boyfriend he was holding a gun with the same symbol you see around the area on his gun. "No you can't do this  e/n  (ex name) please I love him" he snickered " pffft yeah right remember you called him a monster" you shook your head " no I didn't mean to i was just scared." He rolled his eyes "yeah sure kid now let me hear you scream" you looked away " oh I see your not gonna scream now huh." "Fine I'll make you scream"  he grabs your hair and pulls causing you to let out a holler " aaaaaaaa stop please aaaaa" "call out his name "  " OFFENDERMAN HELP ME OOOOW!?"


the death of me ( offendermanxreader)Where stories live. Discover now