"I'll keep trying" Yubin whispered "It will take time but I'll find a way to improve. Should we just focus on the speed today?"

"Fine, we'll do that" the blonde smiled. 3 rounds around the arena to warm up your legs"

"Okay" Yubin nodded with a smile, starting to run at a decent speed, but not too fast since it was just a warm up. When she finished the 3 rounds she stopped, putting her hands on her knees and catching her breath. "Done. What now?"

"Get over here" Siyeon smiled and the girl did what she asked as the older woman ruffled her hair.

"W- What was that for?" Yubin chuckled, sounding confused.

"Just to say you did good. Always fun to train with you" Siyeon chuckled.

"Thanks, I enjoy it too! I learnt a lot from you already" the hunter chuckled.

"That's because now you actually listen to what I say, instead of complaining" Siyeon chuckled. "Let's try a few sprints. Are your legs warm enough?"

"I think they are. Well... I hope so. And hey, I had reason to complain our first training sessions" Yubin protested.

"Yeah... you did" Siyeon replied with a chuckle. "But now I can tell you... I was so proud of you because you didn't quit until Minji forced you to"

"Sure, thanks" Yubin said, jumping a few times before walking to one of the walls.

"Whenever you are ready" Siyeon said, looking at the blue haired girl. "Don't focus on being quiet, just sprint as fast as you can"

"What do I need to do? Run from side to side? Run a few rounds?" The hunter asked since Siyeon hadn't specified it.

"Run from where you are to the other side, touch the end of the arena and run back" Siyeon explained. "I want to see how fast you are in changing direction"

"Okay" the girl nodded, taking a deep breath before sprinting to the other side, almost tripping as she touched the wall and sprinting back.

Siyeon sighed, looking at the hunter.

"Useless to say that it was bad" she said, pointing at the point where Yubin almost tripped.

"That was the only mistake. I thought it was pretty good apart from that" the hunter pouted.

"What you call 'the only mistake' is what kills you in a battle" Siyeon said in a firm voice. "There are mistakes you can't afford to do"

"I almost tripped, I stayed on my feet" Yubin countered.

"You slowed down to stay on your feet. You stumbled. If this was an actual run to escape from a vampire, that little mistake would determine your death" Siyeon said, sounding almost annoyed.

"I almost tripped because I touched the wall... there won't be an escape situation where I need to make a 180 turn at a wall" Yubin mumbled, walking back to the start position.

"Stop arguing with me" Siyeon said, looking at her "Try again"

"Yes, Siyeon. Sorry" the blue haired girl apologized. She sprinted towards the other side and back, without almost tripping this time.

"Again" Siyeon repeated with a sigh.

Yubin nodded, doing the same thing again, just like Siyeon asked of her, executing it perfectly once more. Repeating that a few times.

"You get slower each time you do this" Siyeon said, glaring at Yubin.

"I also get more tired each time I do this. You're not even telling me what's wrong"

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