2- A Stream Worth Watching

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Alex POV
I received Karl's message. "Are you fucking kidding me Karl?" I think to myself. I quickly type out another message and press send.

A- You know I'm going to be taller than you

I don't think I'm actually taller than him. I hope I am, but I'm probably not. 15 minutes later, and I'm at his house. I text him letting him know I'm here. I pay the Uber, grab my bags, and walk up to the front door, and knock.

A quick second later and the door quickly opens revealing a smiling, bubbly Karl.

Karl POV

The knock on the door sends me running from the living room. I quickly open the door and see Alex, smiling with his bag next to him. I quickly bring him into a 2 second hug. "It's so amazing to see you!" I say letting him in the door. "I'm really happy to be here," he replies, awkwardly standing, not knowing what to do.

"I have a spare bedroom for you to stay in, I'll show you where it is," I say to him, guiding him up the stairs and into the room, which is right next to mine.

Alex took a quick glance around the room when he walked in, and then placed his bag by the small, wooden bedside table. "What do you want to do?" I ask him, excited for the next week. "I'm not sure," he replies honestly, "I should've planned to do stuff but I didn't." "Do you wanna stream?" Alex suggests.

"Sure!" I exclaim, super excited. I walk to my recording room, while he closely trails behind me.

Alex POV

To fill the time, Karl and I agree to stream. As we walk into the room, I point at the two guitars in the corner. "What are those for?" I ask him, hoping we could use them to joke around with. "A bought them from a store for us to use, they were used in the past, but that doesn't matter," he replies while he turns on all his lights and pulls another chair over to his desk. "How expensive we're those?" I question him, wondering if I should be careful with it. "They actually weren't that pricey," he says while he logs into Twitch. He turns around and looks at me, " about 200 for the both of them." I can't believe he spent 200 dollars just so we could be idiots. I mean, one of us could- "Don't worry about it," he interrupts my thoughts as he sees me nervously looking over at them, "they're just props; they're never going to be used for making actual music."

He grabs the guitars and then takes a seat. Patting the chair next to him,
he asks, "You ready to start?" I nod my head and sit next to him. He passes a guitar to me and then we start the stream. As we see the first few viewers pop up, and the chat starts to become unreadable he turns on the camera and makes sure it's in focus. He unmutes the mic and begins to speak to the 2,592 viewers, "Hey everybody!" he exclaims, "Today I'm here with Big Q!" I quickly switch to my more bubbly, streamer version of myself, "Hey everyone!"

Time goes on, and during the stream we were acting like a kindergartners. We would sing stupid songs off-key and stroke random chords on our guitars. Karl began reading the next donation of ten dollars, "do a height check to see who is taller," he read off and looked at me with a goofy grin. I hadn't bothered to pay attention to our height.

We both make our way over to the wall the camera was facing, fuck, he's taller than me. "The camera angle makes me seem shorter than what I actually am!" I yell. "Fuck that camera!" Karl begins to laugh as I admit defeat. I walk over to the chair and slump down. "Fuck that camera angle," I mutter under my breath, which stirs another giggle out of Karl.

Karl POV

It had been later during the stream after the height check. I knew I was taller than Alex, and it made me more confident. I was still basking in my confidence when another donation caught my eye. "Will you guys kiss?" I read off. Alex looked at me, "I saw that too, I didn't think you would read it." I shrug my shoulders, not knowing what to say. I go in for the kiss, quickly stopping after seeing his face. "He saw the eyes, he saw the eyes!" I saw trying to make light of what's currently happening. "Without Sapnap?" He says, obviously joking, trying to cover up what my awkward attempt to kiss him was. I clear my throat and act like I'm looking at chat, trying to release the tension. He will never let me live this down. Was I actually going to kiss him? Did I want to kiss him deep down? All these questions I kept asking myself, unsure of what I really wanted. I knew inside that I wouldn't find out what I wanted during the stream, it would require a lot of thought. Eventually I wrapped the stream up, and ended it. Know time to face Alex off stream, hopefully he won't confront me about it.

Word Count: 850+
Published: 1-2-2021
Authors Note:

Holy shit y'all. I didn't expect this to do as well as it did. 40 views for my first time truly writing something? I have a Kardler book, but I don't have a want to write about it, but this I do. This is crazy and I want to thank all of you very much. Love y'all so much!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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