He's my...soulmate?

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    I wake up the next morning with a huge headache and I groan as I roll out of bed. I go into the bathroom, taking a quick shower. I rub my head as I get out, changing into black sweatpants along with a white shirt and a blue jacket. 

    I grab ibuprofen and take it for my head, letting it go down my throat with a cup of coffee. I'm figuring out what's happening to me today. I'll figure it out and no one is getting in my way. I slide my shoes on and grab my keys, walking out. I lock my door and go towards the stairs. 

    I stop as soon as I get to the first step, should I? I fell down them yesterday...I sigh and turn around going to the elevator. I step in, and just as the doors were about to close a guy walked in with me. I look to the side, trying to keep him from seeing my eyes and freaking out. I tap my foot, pissed that it's taking forever. That's when the extra looks over at me. 

    "Wait a sec..aren't you Katsuki Bakugou? The guy with red eyes?" He asks. I scoff and stay quiet. 

    "Holy shit you are him. Why did I get on this elevator, you're gonna make something bad happen you freak." At the word freak, I snap my head towards him. I growl, making him step back. 

    I grab him the shirt, lifting him off the ground and against the wall. His eyes widen and tries getting out of my grip. This little shit isn't going anywhere. I make my grip tighter and go close to his face, letting him see right into my stupid scarlet eyes. 

    "You can call me many things, but NEVER call me a freak you son of a bitch." I growl, making him nod in fear. I drop him, making him fall on his ass.  The elevator doors open and I walk out, stopping instantly when I hear his voice.

    "Bitch." I turn towards him, smirking. I punch him straight in the face.

    "Oh I'm sorry, it must've been my bad luck. Guess I couldn't help myself." I shrug and walk out, leaving him with a bloody nose. Stupid bastard.

    I walk out, putting my hands in my jacket. I walk to the library, and of course like always bad luck happens. Got stung by a bee, tripped on a broken piece of sidewalk, almost got attacked by a fucking stray cat, got a ball thrown at my head by a kid, and ran into a tree. I sigh when I finally get to the library. I put my hood up and put on glasses, covering my hair and eyes. The library doesn't like me, so I have to hide my identity. I walk in, nodding to the librarian. I go up to her and look down as I speak.

    "Hey..have any books on red eyes?" I mumble. She nods and points to a book shelf. Glad she didn't question it.

    I walk over to the shelf and look through the books, grabbing the ones that seemed the most realistic. I walk over to the table and flip through the first one. I stop as I see a page with words that almost make me throw the fucking book across the room.

    "If you ever come across a red eyed, stay away unless you want something bad to happen." I scoff and just the book, sliding it away. I grab the next book and then the next and then the next. Damnit these books are just saying how dangerous we are. I grip my hood and pull it over my face, growling. 

    That's when I see it,the word "soulmate" in the corner of my eye. I look over and see a book i must've missed. I grab it and read the cover. "Red eyed soulmate". Soulmate...I remember I always use to think I would be saved by my soulmate when I was younger. I sigh and open to the first page, starting to read.

    I finish reading it quickly, my hands frozen to the last page. My eyes locked onto one sentence. How could this be? There's no way! That's impossible..it can't be. It can't be. It can't be. It can't be. "If all this has happened to you, then they are truly your soulmate."

    He's my soulmate? I stand up, making my chair hit the floor by falling back. Everyone looks at me. My hood falls off as I stare at the page. It's impossible. I run out, throwing my sunglasses to the ground. This is unbelievable, he can't be. There's no way. Kirishima is my soulmate?

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