Louis grinned at the message, ignoring Liam’s protests to see what Harry was saying. “It’s nothing bad Li, jeesh! Privacy, please!” He huffed, turning around so his back was to him. 

‘Of course. Jackson misses you and I sorta do too..’

Those last four words were the absolutely last thing that Harry expected Louis to send, but hey. He sure as hell wasn’t complaining. 

‘Is that so? Meet me at the park in about 10 minutes?xx’

Louis nodded to himself, glancing back at Liam. “Drop me off at the park. Haz wants us.” Liam frowned as he looked down at him, beginning to walk towards the exit. “This is a disaster just waiting to happen.” He murmured. Louis wasn’t really paying attention to Liam, too busy texting Harry. 

‘See you there.x’


Harry chewed on his lower lip harshly as he anxiously awaited for Louis to arrive. A picnic in the park was cute, right? Harry thought so. But what if Louis didn’t? Harry sighed out softly as he paced around the open field, his nerves increasing as dusk arose. 

“Haz?” Louis called out, looking around quietly for Harry. Harry’s head shot up at the sound of the sweet voice, a  small smile growing on his face when he saw his pregnant lover. “Right here.” He chuckled, walking over to him and kissing his cheek gently. 

Louis smiled as he glanced up at him, biting his lip gently. “Why did you want me to come here?” Harry smiled and pulled back slightly, reaching down to hold his hand. “Well, I thought we could have a dinner here under the moonlight?” 

Okay. That was weird to Louis. Was this some sort of date or something? They were’t dating and Louis was really hoping that Harry wasn’t getting the wrong idea. 

Louis bit his lip worriedly as he glanced up at Harry before nodding. “Yeah, okay. This is nice. Thank you.” He whispered, smiling slightly as Harry helped him sit on the blanket. “I can sit myself. I’m pregnant, not disabled.” Louis huffed, causing Harry to laugh. 

“I know that, I just don’t want you to fall or something.” Harry shrugged as he sat down beside him, offering him some food. Harry was hoping that this would be the start of something. All he needed was a start.

After the two had ate, it was fully dark and they were laying down on the blanket, watching the stars. Louis hummed as he nuzzled into Harry’s side, resting his head on his shoulder. “This was really amazing.” He whispered. 

Harry smiled as he rubbed small circles in his hips, watching the stars. “I’d love to do it again.” He admitted, leaning over and kissing the top of his head. Louis blushed softly, smiling when he felt Jackson kick. “Jackson did too.” He whispered, grabbing Harry’s hand, placing it on his stomach. 

Harry grinned as he felt his son kick, a proud smile growing on his face. That was his son and no one else’s’. His son that would look like him and call him daddy. Harry hummed as he rubbed his stomach mindlessly. 

“Just three more months and then we will have a little boy running around. Innit that crazy?” Harry whispered, his eyes fluttering shut. Louis smiled and nodded, but his mind was else were. And in that moment? His mouth spoke faster than his brain could process.

“Why’d you do all this?” Louis blurted out.

Harry frowned slightly before he wrapped both arms around his waist, sighing quietly. Well. Here goes nothing. 

“Louis, I know this is absolutely ridiculous, but I…well. I want another chance with you. With us. I want to be able to call you mine again. And I know we won’t be able to pick up where we left off at, but I just want something.” Harry explained, his heart beating rapidly in his chance. 

There it was. There was what this night was all about. Louis swallowed down the lump in his throat, licking over his suddenly dry lips. “I-I…” He stuttered, feeling like he was pinned in a corner. He would feel so bad if he denied the lad of just one chance, but then again, Louis didn’t know if he was ready. 

“I’m not ready..” 

Louis finally said after what seemed like forever. Harry frowned deeply at his words, closing his eyes momentarily before he nodded. “Alright, that’s fine. Let’s just get home, yeah?” He whispered, helping him up with a sad smile. Harry was just…heartbroken. 

Was this what Louis felt like the day Harry left?


Later that night, Harry wasn’t really thinking. Once Louis was sound asleep in their bed, he tucked him in the bed, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, before he headed down the stairs. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this. What should he be doing instead? 

Cuddling with Louis would be nice, but he just couldn’t. Harry had to numb the pain with something. He never could handle his feelings all too well. So when Louis rejected him of a second chance? This had to be the worst thing ever. 

Call Gemma? Yeah, that’d be smart, but nope. Harry wasn’t doing that either. Harry put his jacket on, scribbling down a small note for Louis to see if he didn’t get back before he woke. 

‘Gone out for a bit. Be back soon.x’

Harry sighed as he grabbed his keys before heading outside. There was only one place he was headed too. 

Zayn’s party.

(Sorry for such the long wait! My dad has been sick and things have been hectic but I will try to be more active. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!! He’s 21 now?!?!? Our little cupcake :’) Vote, comment, share! Thanks lovelies!xxx)

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