True Intent and the Sacrifice of a Friend

Beginne am Anfang

Fine then releases Miku and bends down while laughing.
Miku: Even if they have to lie or if they can't tell the whole truth ... They are all aclao, putting their lives on the line of others! I ... I believe in them!

Fine got annoyed and quickly turned around and hit her on the face. Then she grabbed Miku's uniform collar to lift it and slammed it back before dropping it
Fine: I'm annoyed.

Fine before doing anything to Miku, she is shot by Ogawa, directing the copper towards her with the intention of shooting again.
Ogawa: I will not let you approach Durandal
Fine raised her whip and was about to attack Ogawa when a voice stopped her.
Genjurp: Stop there, Ryoko.
Out of nowhere, Genjuro collapses from the ceiling.
Fine: Does he still call me by this name?

Genjuro: Usually, I wouldn't put a finger on a woman. But if you touch any of them, I'll break you to pieces.
He said taking a fighting position

He said taking a fighting position

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Ogawa: Commander!

Genjuro: I knew about your secret operation for some time. Thanks to yusaku and the precious assistance of our American neighbors. To attract you outdoors, I pretended to be playing in your hands, gathering three symphogear users.
Fine: you countered a scheme with a scheme. Not bad at all. But do you think you can stop me?
Genjuro: Do ​​you stop? I'll beat the last secret to you while I'm sweating!
FINE: but you're just an ordinary person!

Genjuro then heads for Fine. Fine grabs the whips and ties Genjuro up. Genjuro twists his body to avoid the attack. FiNE quickly ties his other whip, but Genjuro dodges by jumping up and grabbing the ceiling.

Use the ceiling to push towards Fine and throw him a fist. Fine moves quickly from the path of the blow. Genjuro then hits the ground, creating a small crankcase and shock wave that managed to break his fine armor on his left shoulder.
Fine: What?
Fine jumps back so that her armor can repair itself.
Fine: I'll tear your limbs

Fine ties his whip to Genjuro but gently grabs the whip with his hand. Then he uses the whips to pull it towards him. Once she is in front of him, he releases the whip and, with all his might, punches her in the gut. Then he falls behind him
Fine: How to deal with the powers of a complete relic
Genjuro: Do ​​you want to know? I eat. I watch movies and sleep! A real man doesn't need anything else!

Fine: but you're just an ordinary person!

Fine drops Solomon's staff to summon Noise. Thinking fast, Genjuro stepped on the ground, destroying the floor and sending some rock into the air. He hits one of the rocks right at Fine, bringing Solomon's staff in his hand and ceiling.
As Fine looked at Solomon's bar stuck on the ceiling, Genjuro took the opportunity to head for Fine. When Fine looked back at him, he was ready to punch.
Genjuro: Compared to noise, it's nothing!
Fine calls him using a trick, catching him off guard and Fine this time to stab Genjuro with her whip.

Genjuro: Compared to noise, it's nothing!END: RYOKO'S VOICE: Genjuro!Fine calls him using a trick, catching him off guard and Fine this time to stab Genjuro with her whip

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symphogear x male symphogear Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt