junji ✦ all along

Start from the beginning

Whenever I come to see them, Junji would come up to me first and give me a warm hug. Today was unusually different between us.

I snapped out of my thoughts, finally mustering up the energy to converse with him. "Can I sit down here?" I asked the long-haired boy. "Of course," he replied. I smiled and proceeded to sit in a lotus position. Junji was still scrolling through his phone, not sparing a single glance.

"How are you? It's been long since we talked," I said. "Pretty tired. You know, promotions." Junji still didn't observe eye contact, disappointment slowly consuming me. "Well, it's over now. You deserve to rest for a while," I smiled as I lightly pat his back.

The physical contact caused Junji to freeze in place, making him close the phone. He now turned to me and smiled, making me smile back.

"I'd rather spend my time with you in the next few days."

I felt my cheeks warm up. I then gently slapped his shoulder as he looked at me questionably.

"Don't try to be around too much. You'll get tired of me," I replied as we both laughed.

While we had our little moment, Mill suddenly calls out from the kitchen down the hall. "Lunch is ready!" His voice echoed through the dorm as the members started to make their way to the dining area. I was about to get up until Junji pulled me back down by the wrist. I quirked an eyebrow.

"Last one seated doesn't get dessert?" Oh, now he's talking.

"Then, see you last!" I said before standing up to run, him doing the same. We screamed as we raced to the dining table, smiling from ear to ear.

Why am I in love with this rascal again?

• • •

"You're his groupmate, you should know him well!" Here I was, having an existential crisis in my own apartment, and yes, with Jisung witnessing the entirety of it. He took a sip from his mug of hot cocoa as he listened. Why was I in an existential crisis?

Simple; because Kim Junhyung.

"Go figure it out yourself, Y/N. You two are best friends for a reason, I don't think I should give a word for this," he said. I mean he's right, it's my friendship, my conflict, and most of all; my feelings.

"I know, I know. But can you please help me this once? I don't think I can pull this off by myself," I begged my brother who pursed his lips together. Jisung then reached for my nose and pinched it.

"Ow!" "You're lucky that I care for you. Go fix yourself, you're a mess," Jisung suggests as he eyed my pitiful state, wrapped up in a large blanket while hugging a box of tissues. I then stood up from my spot and ran to my single bedroom to search for clothes.

"I'll call the others over!" Jisung's voice resonated through the house. "Why?!"

"Because we're getting you into a relationship!"

• • •

After a rough fifteen minutes in the shower, I stepped out and hurriedly wore a simple white tee and a decent pair of jean shorts. Just as I was done getting ready, I heard a bunch of loud voices coming from downstairs.

Jisung better not have messed this up or else I'm really going to fight.

Walking downstairs, I was greeted by three other people in my apartment. "Well, well, well. Look who actually took a shower by will." I glared at the owner of the voice. "Shut up, Taeyeob. I'll literally kick your ass out of here."

"Okay, enough. Let's cut to the chase," Yongsoo exclaimed. "Are we going to continue with the plan?" Rie asks. "I already told Kyubin and Wookjin to stall him so we clearly have to proceed with it," replied Yoojung.

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