Chapter 57 - Luca

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I followed slightly behind Felix and let him lead the way to wherever he was taking me. Felix stood tall as he walked, a tuft of his nearly white hair bouncing softly with each step he took. I knew that he often doubted himself, but even his demeanor exuded his status as head alpha. He was confident, assured and kind, and he had the weight of the entire Shadowclaw pack on his shoulders. I hoped that, even if just for an afternoon, our outing could allow him to relax from his stressful role.

As we walked along the cobble paths, I became more and more confused as to where Felix could possibly be taking me. I wondered if we were getting ourselves lost. Of course not, I thought sheepishly. This is his territory.

We were nearly on the opposite end of the pack grounds when I stopped in my tracks.

"Where are we going?"

Felix turned around, his expression stoic save for the smallest smile playing at the edges of his lips. "We're getting close, I promise."

"We're not even in the territory anymore," I added, looking back at the stone path that had just faded into the grass.

"I promise, Luca," Felix said, looking in my eyes before starting to walk again. "We're almost there."

With a sigh, I followed him into what was now No Man's Land. The uncut grass swiped my pants legs as we walked through it, and the oak trees had thick trunks that signaled their old age. After a few more steps, we encountered a giant willow tree, its vine-like leaves swaying in the wind.

"Come on," Felix said, his smile growing. "We're here."

He lifted up the willow tree's leaves to reveal a small sanctuary. Stuck in the ground was a tattered handmade flag, rippling in the wind. A wooden sword laid on the grass, tinted with the stains of the dirt surrounding it. As I absentmindedly ran my fingers along the willow tree, I felt notches and turned to see little messy carvings in the bark.

"The last time I came here was the day before I assumed the role of head alpha," Felix reminisced, subtle tones of wonder in his voice. "Almost nothing's changed."

"What is this place?"

A soft, nostalgic smile made its way to Felix's face. "My hideout. I used to come here all the time as a kid. When I was stressed or bored, this is where you could find me. I haven't been here in what feels like forever. It's nice to see that it still looks untouched."

I smiled, imagining a little Felix playing with his wooden sword, acting like the heroic leader he would unknowingly become. "It's really nice here."

"Isn't it?"

Felix walked to another tree nearby and pulled a soiled blanket from the hollow. He shook it off before placing it on the ground and sitting on it, inviting me to join him.

"How long have you had this place?"

"God, it's been years. It's always felt like a safe space for me. That flag over there," Felix pointed to it, "Xander and I made it not long after I met him."

My eyes continued to gaze around, never lingering on one spot for too long. "I'm surprised you haven't come here in so long, considering you're stressed all the time now."

Felix chuckled. "That's a valid point. I just never think about this place anymore." He paused, looking at me in deep thought, and I wondered if I had something on my face. "In a way, you kind of remind me of this hideout."

I tilted my head and arched a brow in mild confusion. "What do you mean?"

Felix pursed his lips as he pondered. "You're very calm. That's what I like about it here. It makes me feel more at ease."

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