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I wake up in a field of hay the sun is bright and beating right down on my face. At this moment, I'm very disoriented on how I ended up here and I have no way of possibly knowing where I am.
That's when I hear blood curdling screams that jolt me right up on my feet. There was nothing but hay for miles; no tree lines, no roads, nothing and that's when I heard someone riding through the field.
It wasn't just one person I heard several, I couldn't make out how many there was I just knew I needed to get to safety. I start to run that's when I see Three fingers, Saw Tooth, and One Eye riding towards me on four wheelers. There was just no possible way I could escape this, no coverage, no weapon and I remember thinking to myself this has to be the end for me how else could I escape this, this was my fate.
So I just stood there waiting for it to be over, I heard them turn off the four wheelers and I watched them walk in my direction. Now again, there is no sense in running, I start to feel the sweat pour down my forehead and I think to myself "maybe once they get close enough I can charge past them and get to one of the four wheelers". They are coming from each direction so I decide to run to the right and that's when I feel something hit me in the back of the head.
I land right on my stomach, I slowly pick my head up and I could feel the blood rushing down my neck. I turn over to see the three of them standing over me and laughing hysterically, I try to back up but, where can I exactly go? That's when Three fingers took a large tree branch and smacks me in the face.

The Killer and I Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora