A Thursday Morning

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"Tsukki!!" Y/N yelled as they ran up behind Tsukishima, who was walking to school beside Yamaguchi.

They wrapped their arms over Tsuki's shoulders and bombarded him with a hug.

"Boke! Get off!" Tsukishima shoved Y/N away as they laughed.

"Eh? You're so cold Tsuki~!" Y/N teased him.

"Urusai, *busu." Tsukishima scowled.


"*Yabo" They rolled their eyes.


"Nē, Yamaguchi, did you talk to Yachi-san yesterday?" Y/N nudged Yamaguchi with their elbow as they shifted away from behind Tsukishima to walking between Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.

"Wh- What? N- No way! I'm not gonna talk to her about that, I'll definitely go into shock if I try to do that!" Yamaguchi was discouraged and shy about Yachi.

"Hmm? Are you planning to confess to Yachi-san, Yamaguchi? She's so skittish, why her?" Tsukishima was being critical.

"Aw, Tsukki, do you not give your blessing for Yamaguchi to date Yachi-san? Do you think she's not good enough for our precious Yamaguchi?" Y/N began to tease again.

"Y/N-" Yamaguchi was interrupted.

"I mean as shy and anxious as Yamaguchi is, he could do better than Yachi-san. She may be similar to him but she's way too dramatic."

"Tsukki.. Yachi-san is nice, and smart. She says things without thinking sometimes, and it's cute when she realizes. She gets red, and shy, and she gets so flustered trying to apologize.."

"Yamaguchi-" Y/N uttered quietly.

"-And she works so hard. She barely knows how volleyball works, but she's always by our side, cheering us on. She's going to be our manager next year, you know, so she's working just as hard as all of to make sure we stay fighting. Yachi-san is strong, stronger than me, and I admire that. I like her, a lot."

Silence fell over the three friends.

"...Oh, uh.. Gomen, gomen, I didn't mean to-"

"Gomenasai, Yamaguchi." Tsukishima mumbled.

"Eh?!" Yamaguchi was shocked, Tsukishima rarely apologized.

"Yamaguchi!! That was so sweet!!" Y/N whined in awe.

"Oh- No, no, I just- I-" Yamaguchi began to blush.

The group arrived at the front gate of Karasuno High.

"Yamaguchi-san! Oh! Tsukishima-san and Y/N-san, ohayo!" Yachi jogged up to the trio.

"Ah! Yachi-san! Ohayo.." Yamaguchi said sheepishly as he looked away from her, his face still flushed from the embarrassment of his rant.

"Ohayo Yachi-san!" Y/N called as Yachi lined up to Yamaguchi's left side.

Y/N snickered at Yamaguchi, "Today then? You'll tell her right?" They whispered in his ear.

"Y-Y/N! N-No!!" Yamaguchi stammered.

"Huh? Is something wrong?" Yachi inquired.

Y/N laughed.

"O-Oh! Nothing, nothing!" Yamaguchi tried to laugh off his embarrassment.

"Tsk." Tsukishima glared at Y/N, annoyed.

"Tsukki! You've been quiet for a while. Did apologizing hurt your pride? It was sweet, though. Guilt is a rare emotion for you." Y/N grinned at Tsukishima.

"Urusai." Tsukishima snared.

"Hai, hai, gomen."

Y/N gave a small chuckle and kept their eyes forward before looking back up at Tsukishima with a sparkling gaze. Tsukishima's eyes met theirs and the two of them stayed like that for a few seconds. Y/N realized what they were doing and broke eye contact, letting out an awkward sigh. Tsukishima's eyes also darted away, while a slight blush fell on his cheeks.

Y/N ran up to their locker, which was in close proximity to Hinata's. "Oi! Shoyo!"

"Y/N-san! Ohayo! Nē, are you gonna watch our practice today?"

"What? Of course, I always go."

All the noise faded as Tsukishima looked forward towards Y/N. He stared at them with the same sparkle in his eyes as they had just a moment ago. The blush on his cheeks grew darker.

Nothing But a Sparkling Glance [Tsukishima x Y/N]Where stories live. Discover now