House Tour :)

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Skylar's POV
I realise that I have been talking to Andy for almost an hour now so I said goodbye to him and walked out of his room. I walked over to my room and opened the door. I walk over to the bookshelves I have in my room and picked a book out that seemed interesting.

I had been reading for an hour and a half, that book was interesting. I had almost finished the 19 chapter when I thought about how Andy told me that Nick had saved me. Why would a boy as handsome as Nick White save a pathetic excuse for a girl like me?

Then I heard a knock at the door blowing my thoughts away. Sighing I get up and walk over to the door, and open it.

Speaking of the devil I see Nick standing there with a devilish grin on his face. "Hey clumsy" he said still keeping the grin. "What do u want" I spit back. "Well I do have to show you around my house but if you don't want me to then I won't" He said. "Fine" I reply.

After the tour of his house it was dinner time. We sat at this giant table that could possibly fit my whole grade at school to eat. I sat next to my mum and Andy across from Nick and his parents. After a very awkward dinner I offer to help mum and Amelia wash up. After washing up I go up to my room followed by my parents cause they asked to have a chat with them. we talked about me having to miss school tomoz cause I have to get my wrist checked up on and about us staying here for a while. Then something came to my mind, Chloe and Rebecca. "how are Chlo and Bec going mum" I said. "well I haven't spoke to them until last night so you will have to ring them". With that our chat was over and I found my way over to the phone in my room and rang them.

"Hey sky are you okay!!" Chlo and Bec say in sync. After a whole hour of talking to them I invited them to stay over our house after asking permission of course. Then I decide to watch a movie, so I walk out of my room and down stairs to the theatre room. after looking for a movie on one of their 4 ceiling high movie cabinets for what feels like forever I finally decide to watch pitch perfect. I always used to watch it with Chlo and Bec at sleepovers.

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