XV. Reparations (Part 1)

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A/N: Because payback is a b*tch. 

Inspired by the awesomeness that is DHDJ, as described in TPB through Su Moye's POV: To know everything without seeing anything, to know the end by seeing only the beginning, this was Dijun.*


Her Aunt and Ah Li arrived, once Zheyan and Donghua deemed Fengjiu fit enough to accept a limited number of visitors three days after the incident.

"Is it alright for you to be up and about like this?" Bai Qian asked, seeing Fengjiu lounging on a divan set up at the gardens by the koi pond. Ah Li and Gungun were already playing near the water, both estatic to see each other as if they were separated for years instead of just a few days. "Are you not supposed to be on bed rest?"

"Ugh. Aunt, I am pregnant, not an invalid." She opened her arms wide and her aunt obliged, taking her into an embrace. "Sorry for worrying you all, but I'm really fine now. Both of us are."

Jiuchongtian's Crown Princess sat beside her niece and put a hand over the younger girl's stomach. Fond relief was evident in her smile as she felt the strong fairy energy pulsing from within. "Always so troublesome. It's a small wonder that Dijun is sporting a few white hairs amid that silver mane of his."

"He's already an old man way before I married him," Fengjiu replied without a hint of shame. "I take it that grandfather and father have been informed? Should I warn Mo Shao to prepare for an onslaught from Qingqiu?"

Bai Qian looked at her as if she grew a second head. "Your husband is on the warpath, and you're worried about Qingqiu's reaction?" She reached over to daintily pour a cup of tea for herself, and to refill Fengjiu's cup over the younger girl's objections. "Also, it's a bit too late for warnings now. The entire Four Seas have been turned over their heads by Dijun since your mishap happened."

"He will do what needs to be done," Fengjiu said, serving her aunt a plate of sweets in exchange for the tea. "But you know us foxes, Aunt. In fact, I am hurt at how calmly you sit here, instead of flying over to the Western Sea to demand reparation."

Her Aunt leaned back on the divan with her trademark grace, took a sip of her tea, and regarded Fengjiu with a thoughtful look. Finally she said, "Aren't you a bit greedy? You already have a Dijun avenging personally for you, and by extension, Qingqiu." She then took the opportunity to change topics and said, "Speaking of which, that husband of yours is really something else. I never thought I'd see the day when you will agree, without fuss, to confine yourself to a single place for any length of time."

"This is the result of a hard-won compromise. I stay put inside Taichen Palace, and in exchange, Dijun's agreed to forgo his more extreme measures."

"Placing a ward over Taichen and disallowing visitors is not extreme?" Bai Qian asked in disbelief.

You should have seen what he did at Fanyin Valley, Fengjiu thought, recalling the ward at Jifeng Yuan that Donghua erected in a bout of jealousy and protectiveness, using close-in training as an excuse. Looking back, she had been too dense not to see through his hogwash that time. "You were granted entrance, were you not?" She countered, taking a bite of a pastry and finding it too salty for her taste. "Eew. This one's horrible."

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