She opened the break room door, skipping to the mini fridge. She then noticed Ginger and Tamaki's aprons weren't hanging in the cubbies. "...Did they accidentally leave with them on?"

Y/n bent down, opened the fridge, and took out a cold can of orange soda. She stood back up and turned to examine the rest of the room. "...Something is off..."

Suddenly, a loud ring rang throughout the room. "A phone? That doesn't sound like my ringtone...It sounds like...


Y/n glanced over at the coffee table to see Tamaki's familiar blue phone case. "He left his phone?"

The device started to ring again, and again. Y/n pursed her lips. Don't invade his privacy, don't invade his privacy, don't-

She skipped to the table, picking up his cellphone. Sorry, Tams!

She read the text messages, her brain rattling in confusion.

is y/n still distracted?

yep. she has no clue. how're things on your end?

everything is going according to plan! there's tons of people out here!

Y/n batted her eyes. "...What's going on here?"

time: 12:20 p.m.

"Hailey." Y/n walked behind the counter, glaring at her in suspicion. "Do you know where Tamaki and Ginger went?"

Hailey froze, staring at the coffee she was brewing. "...To their appointments, right?"

"Really? Then why did Tamaki leave his phone in the break room?"

"...Maybe he forgot?"

"Oh reaaaalllyyy? Then explain these messages!"
Y/n held up Tamaki's phone to Hailey's face.

"...I can't see. I'm suddenly blind."


"Excuse me."

Hailey and y/n turned to a customer, the young woman giving them a wave. "I was wondering if you were the manager of this place?"

"Me? Yes ma'am I am! Can I help you with something?"

"Not really but...I wanted to know if they're was a way I could help save your shop? I passed by the protest downtown and they were chanting against the Endeavor agency."

Y/n's blinked in confusion. "...Protest?"

"Yes! There's almost 100 people protesting outside the agency on behalf of them trying to shut down small businesses! I noticed one of them was yours! How can I support?"

Y/n slowly turned to Hailey, Hailey immediately looking up at the ceiling, whistling quietly. Y/n sighed. "We're taking donations! Hailey, tell her about it! Take care of the store while I'm gone!"

"B-Boss, you can't go-"

"No stopping me now!" Y/n ran behind the curtain to grab her coat.

Hailey slouched. "'s too much work to chase after her."

time: 12:31 p.m.

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