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IT WAS FINALLY THE DAY. January 5th. The day that would decide the final fate of Expresso Express. The group had been discreetly setting up the protest, talking with citizens and business owners, making signs, and coming up with a full proof plan.

And today was when the plan would be put into action.

time: 11:20 a.m.

"Okay Tamaki! You're switching out with Ginger. Take over the register, okay?" Y/n smiled, examining her employees as they worked. Tamaki glanced over at Ginger.

Ginger gave a weird signal with his eyes, sweat dripping down the side of Tamaki's head. "U-Uhm, y/n?"

Y/n turned around, her clipboard hugged to her chest. "Something wrong?"

"I-Uhm...I have a doctors appointment soon and...I was wondering if I could be excused from work for a couple hours?"

"Appointment? Sure! I wouldn't want you getting sick!" She smiled, Tamaki's cheeks turning a deep red. I can't believe I'm lying to her straight to her face...

"Well then, Ginger, can you stay on the register a bit longer?"

"Actually, boss. I've got an appointment too! It's! A densist appointment!"

Hailey sighed as she popped open a jar of jam. Way to sound totally stupid, Ginger.

"Both of you have appointments? Well...I guess it can't be helped! I'll take over with with Hailey, no problem!"

time: 11:59 a.m.

Y/n glanced outside the coffee shop windows, a seemingly large amount of people rushing by. "I wonder what that ruckus is all about." Y/n muttered.

Hailey's heart started to pound. "Probably nothing. Can you help me with this dough?"

Y/n turned to see Hailey holding a kitchen knife like a murderer. "H-Hailey, why do you have the knife!? You don't need that to make dough!"

time: 12:16 p.m.

"I'll be back Hailey, I'm going in the break room for a drink." Y/n excused herself, jogging towards the back.

espresso ᝰ t. amajiki ✓ (poc reader)Where stories live. Discover now