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Y/N AND I...ARE ALONE!!?? Tamaki thought nervously as him and his boss sat in her office to create a digital flyer. It was about 9 at night, the shop closing a couple of hours ago. But Tamaki and y/n stayed behind to work on making flyers to post around town.

"Hmmmm...How does this look?" Y/n rolled back in hervdesk chair, allowing Tamaki to get a clear view of the poster. "I-I like it." He muttered.

"So do I!" She beamed, stretching her arms over her head. "Man, that took a lot longer than I thought, but I'm glad we finished it together!" She turned to Tamaki, holding up a fist.

Tamaki felt his cheeks flush. He slowly held up his right hand, forming a weak fist. Y/n bumped her hand into his. "We make a great team!"

Tamaki stared into her twinkling eyes, her giving a warm smile. To think this is the same y/n from high school...

"Well, since we're finished, we can finally head home!" She stood up from her chair, turning off her desktop. "I'll print these tomorrow at the printer shop....100 copies?"

"Uhm-Yeah, that sounds like enough." Tamaki agreed, standing up with her. They exited her office and out into the main room of the shop.

They suddenly stopped, a barricade of snow blocking the entrance of the shop. "...What the heck?" Y/n mumbled.

Suddenly, Tamaki and y/n's phone buzzed loudly. Y/n turned to Tamaki as he took out his phone, reading a message alert. "...A snowstorm has passed through Musutafu...please keep inside."

"They're a little late with that warning." Y/n sighed, staring out into the street as wind blew loudly and hail fell from the sky. " hungry?" She asked, slipping off her coat and throwing it onto a nearby chair.


"Yeah! It seems we're gonna be stuck here, so may as well have some dinner! We are in a coffee shop." She winked, walking behind the counter and putting on an apron.

Tamaki blinked as he watched y/n open the mini fridge, taking out a few ingredients to cook. ...Y/n and I...are snowed in!??!

Tamaki frantically looked around. No. This can't be happening!...There's gotta be a way out-

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