51. And Summer Nights

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Rule 43: Trust yourself.

'Shinsou no!'

'Shinsou yes' the boy replied almost instantaneously.

'That's catnapping! Can't you just take it to a shelter or something?' she suggested. The boy had texted her a few minutes ago, asking if she lived anywhere nearby to where he was because he'd basically stolen somebody's pet. In his defence, the cat— more kitten from what he'd said so far— was definitely being abused by its owners. He'd probably saved the kitten from an early grave. But he had actually stolen a cat. 'You could say it's a stray?' she tagged on.

'It's soaked and freezing'
'I'm nowhere near home'
'Dunno where the nearest shelter is'

She supposed those were issues. But what was she supposed to do? She couldn't leave the house without one of her guardians who were always so busy. One of them, Yamada, was actually working at his radio station right then so it was only Aizawa left and he wasn't really one for funny business like this.

Although, Aizawa had never hidden his love of cats. His favourite mug was covered in cats, several pairs of his pyjamas had cats all over them. He was most definitely a cat person. So maybe he might be willing to help? Maybe?

She tried looking up cat shelters nearby where Shinsou was and turned up a place that was miles away. He was in the middle of nowhere practically. There were no vets near him either. And the cat needed help as quickly as possible if the poor thing was as cold as he said.

She turned from her spot on the sofa where she'd been reading a book on her phone and turned to face Aizawa at the dining table. "Um..." She didn't want to disturb him but there was a kitten at risk, hopefully he would be more preoccupied with that than the fact she'd interrupted his work. "Aizawa?"

He didn't respond. The lack of any reaction at all told her he probably hadn't heard her. Which made sense considering he was working on some last minute plans for the summer training camp while listening to Yamada's radio station. She wasn't going to be able to get his attention this way.

'K so the only animal place is like an hour on foot and she's not gonna last'

For the kitten.

"Um-" She tapped his shoulder and he turned, pulling one earphone out- "I um- There's a cat in trouble and Shinsou doesn't think it's going to last the hour it'll take him to walk to the nearest animal place, pet vet, thing," she blurted out, slowing towards the end as the word she was looking for decided to vanish in a puff of smoke right when she really needed it.

He pulled the other earphone out and stood. "Where?"

She breathed out in one sudden rush, relief making her shoulders limp. But she was smiling.

'I'm on my way with my guardian, ETA ten minutes. Hang tight.'


"Eyes on your opponent, don't turn your back."

"What eyes? I'm blindfolded."

This was the most ridiculous thing TT had tried to do with her. They'd been working on her quirk earlier and that made sense, they'd been working on a skill she had less experience with and she needed to fine tune it. She'd always been able to move her mist around once it was created, like she did with her nightlights, but she'd never tried summoning it away from her body to start with. Once she had it figured out, it would be an incredibly useful skill.

Fighting with a blindfold over her eyes though? She understood that it was possible she could get involved in a fight someday with an opponent that left her blinded. Should that future occur, her plan was to wrap her mist around her and wait for backup because she definitely could not fight decently like this.

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