"Hot Chocolate!" Her son replied before stepping into his room with his childhood friend. Bakugo threw his bag on the bed while Midoriya sat his in his desk chair. It's now or never. Midoriya told himself as he pulled out the small square box with a nervous sigh. With a shaky breath, he turned back towards the fiery blond. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw the blond holding out a rather large blue gift bag.

"K-Kaachan?" Midoriya questioned in surprise as tears began clouding his vision. He was never expecting the blond to get him anything in return.

"Just take it you damn nerd.. and stop crying!" He spat harshly as he shoved the bag into the freckled mans chest.

"Here's yours..." He mumbled nervously as they traded off their presents. Midoriya looked to Bakugo and noticed he was waiting for him to open his first. Midoriya took a deep breath before turning his attention back to his present. Usually the Bakugo family would just give him a generic gift. He couldn't remember the last time he had actually gotten a gift from his childhood friend. He slowly opened the blue bag and took a peek inside. A wide smile instantly spread across his face when he saw the front of a sweatshirt that looked almost identical to his hero costume. He pulled it out with a wide smile to see another one underneath. He decided to focus on this one first as he unfolded it to get a better look.

"Where did you get these Kaachan?" Midoriya asked with a wide smile as he admired his new sweatshirt. It looked just like his hero costume, except it said 'Deku' down the side of both sleeves. He looked down to the other one as tears formed in his eyes. It was Bakugo's hero's costume on the sweatshirt. It was identical to his costume with his hero name going down his sleeves as well.

"My parents made them a while back. You are the very first person to own Deku and Dynamight merch." The blond replied with a small smile when he noticed how happy Midoriya looked. He could practically cry because he was so happy. He chose to open his present while the green haired man slid on the sweatshirt of his own hero costume.

"It's so comfy Kaachan! Thank you so much!" He beamed, causing Bakugo to only blush more.

"Whatever nerd." The blond replied with a click of the tongue as he began examining his own gift. On top was ten pictures of Bakugo and Midoriya posing by the giant christmas tree at the ice skating rink that their families usually took them to on Christmas Eve. However with Bakugo's family being out of town and the two being at the dorms, they didn't go this year. The blond began sliding through the pictures as he reminisced on every trip they had ever taken there. Despite what personal issues they may have been going through, they always put them aside to have a fun day at the skating rink. The blonds heart rate began picking up as a bunch of foreign feelings began pumping through his body when he got to the bottom of the stack. Underneath all the pictures were two tickets for the rink. He looked up to his childhood friend in shock as his heart began beating through his ears.

"I know your mom said you didn't have to go with us anymore after middle school, but I also know how much you actually love ice skating. So I still want you to go and have a fun time. Those tickets are good for the rest of the season, so take Kirishima or somebody. Make new memories there." Midoriya stated as tears slowly fell down his face. He always appreciated having that one day with Bakugo. It was always a great day for them.

"Idiot." Bakugo whispered in a sad tone as he gently sat everything on the bed before turning to his childhood friend, who looked very adorable in his sweatshirt. "I don't want to make new memories with Shitty Hair." He spat as he took a step towards the green haired man. Midoriya stood in his spot in confusion. If anything, he was expecting the blond to rub it in that they no longer had to go together, not be upset.

"Do you not li-" Midoriya began, but was cut off immediately by another pair of lips being pressed against his. His eyes widened in shock as his heart skipped a beat. There was no way that this was actually happening. There was no way that Midoriya's childhood friend and the person he was desperately in love with was kissing him. He didn't even get the chance to overcome the shock and kiss back before the blond pulled away slowly.

"I don't want to make new memories with somebody else." Bakugo whispered as he stared into Midoriya's bright green orbs with a sad smile. "I want to continue to make memories with you, you idiot." He mumbled before his left arm began snaking his way around the green haired man's waist.

"K-Kaachan.." Midoriya mumbled with a sad voice as tears fell freely down his face. Bakugo couldn't help but smirk as he leaned forward.

"So tomorrow... we will go and get our picture taken by the tree and skate." He whispered in his ear, causing the green haired man to blush massively. "Any complaints?" He whispered huskily as his mouth began placing gentle kisses from Midoriya's ear to his lips.

"N-no." Midoriya whispered in reply as he let out a small moan when the blond had found his sweet spot in the crook of his neck.

"Good." Bakugo said with a smirk as he placed his lips on the green haired mans soft lips once more. Midoriya was still confused on the situation, but he couldn't hold back. For all he knew, he could wake up from a dream any minute. He grew weak in the knee's as adrenaline began pumping through his veins. His brain shut off as his body began moving on it's own. His arms found their way around Bakugo's neck as he leaned into the kiss. The blond smirked into the kiss when he felt the green haired man finally kiss him back. He tightened his grip on his crush's waist and pulled him close to deepen the kiss. The smell of cinnamon and caramel combining filled both of their nostrils as they felt weightless. Their hearts were beating incredibly fast as years of hatred and love escaped from their lips, everything was alright in the world.


"Hey Deku!" A cheery voice sounded from outside the skating rink. The green haired man turned around quickly, locating his best friends standing in a small group, watching him skate. With a smile, he quickly left the ice and made his way towards them.

"Hey guys!" He cheered as he stepped off the ice and came face to face with Uraraka, Iida, Tsu, and Todoroki.

"Where on Earth did you get that jacket Midoriya?" Iida questioned in shock as he noticed the sweatshirt he was wearing. He ended up wearing the one that looked like Bakugo's hero outfit.

"Kaachan gave it to me for Christmas!" He replied with a happy smile as he felt another presence next to him.

"Speak of the devil." Todoroki spoke in a monotone voice as the blond stepped next to Midoriya, holding two cups of hot chocolate. Everybody's eyes widened when they noticed that Bakugo was wearing a very similar sweatshirt, only it was Deku's hero costume.

"Why are you extra's here?" He scoffed as he handed a cup to Midoriya, who gladly excepted it with a warm smile and blush.

"We were looking for something to do." Uraraka responded in a small state of shock as her eyes darted back and forth to the two men who were standing way to close together, wearing matching outfits.

"Well, we're about to head out and grab dinner." Bakugo said with a smirk as he watched all Midoriya's friends stare at them dumbfounded.

"Together?" Uraraka questioned with a knowing smile as she began connecting the dots.

"Do you extra's have a problem with that?" The blond scowled as his fingertips slid down Midoriya's arm before settling in his hand. He laced their fingers together with a smirk, making Midoriya blush like crazy.

"No, no problem." The brunette responded with a small laugh as the duo began walking towards the seating area to remove their skates.

"What did we miss?" Todoroki questioned as the four watched the two flirt and laugh as they took their skates off.

"I'm not really sure, but I think I like it." Uraraka said with a laugh. She didn't care what she missed or how it happened. As long as her best friend was happy, she was happy too.

Sorry it is a little late, but Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!!!

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