Lily throws her hands up exasperatedly. "How do you manage to make things look like they weigh no more than a feather?"

"It's called 'the gym'," Matt laughs, before leading them up to her room.

"But anyways," Lily begins as they make their way up the stairs, "the trip was fun. It was really hot and sunny except for there was a storm one night and I got a little burnt but overall, it was good. It was exhausting walking around and stuff though."

"You're always getting burnt," Matt chuckles as he sets the suitcase on the bed. "Ever since you were young, Mom and I had to practically drench you with sunscreen to protect your skin but you somehow always managed to get yourself burnt."

"That is God telling me that I should not spend any time outside. I should probably just stay inside for the rest of my life. Is that a valid excuse not to go to school again ever?"

Matt rolls his eyes. "Nice try, but umbrellas don't just protect you from the rain. All you need to do is just lug that around with you all day and you're good to go."

"It's not a normal day with you until you make a witty little comment," Lily laughs as she sits on top of her bed and tucks her legs underneath her.

Matt ruffles the top of his daughter's head with a pleased smile on his face. "It's one of the qualifications required to be a dad. But anyways, I'll let you unpack and do whatever else you need. Mom should be home in a few minutes."

Lily nods before she watches her Dad walk out of her room. Then she falls back on her bed and her head hits the pillow safely.

She notices something bright red peeking out from under her blanket and she curiously lifts it up to find none other than Carina's Spider-Man sweatshirt. Immediately she smiles to herself as she jumbles it up into a little ball and presses her face into it. Carina's natural scent still lingers on it.

She must have left it here the last time she was here earlier last week before their trip and Lily's mind wanders back to that day.

"I promise I'm a good bubble blower!" Lily huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. She and Carina were both sitting on the bed in front of each other when Lily was attempting to blow bubbles and Carina kept making fun of her for not doing the greatest job at it.

"Yeah, right," Carina scoffed incredulously. "The diameter of that bubble was a good 2 centimeters."

Lily's jaw dropped in offense as she narrowed her eyes at her girlfriend. "Alright, you know what? Let me have another go so I can prove your pretty little self wrong."

Carina raised her eyebrows and gestured for her to proceed with her hand. Lily then started to chew her gum. And she chewed. And she chewed. And she chewed. Carina even faked a yawn.

Lily slapped her thigh playfully as the younger girl giggled in amusement. "You're such a little shit," Lily mumbled as she rolled her eyes. She then straightened herself up and held a finger in front of Carina's face, readjusting the gum in her mouth and prepping to begin some ass-kicking bubble blowing.

Carina kept on making these ridiculous faces to try to distract Lily while the bubble was getting bigger and bigger, but it was not going to work. Lily refused to let Carina's antics distract her from proving her wrong. And she succeeded.

Lily was able to blow the bubble up until it was practically the size of her face and she had the cockiest smirk on. She was flaunting it off and shoving it in her face. Literally.

But Carina was not very happy about and in retaliation, she popped the bubble with the end of her index finger and it blew up in Lily's face. Literally.

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