"Holy shit," Desi breathes with a small chuckle. "Carina, I didn't know you could sing like that."

"Yeah, dude," Naomi chimes in, smiling at her. "Why didn't you tell us?"

Carina blushes as she ducks her head down a bit bashfully, shrugging her small shoulders. She always gets the same way whenever Lily compliments her on her singing. She's so humble about it and it's downright adorable.

"Carina's been singing since she came out of the womb," Amanda laughs, everyone's eyes shifting towards her in the driver's seat. "There was music playing at my house all of the time. Like it would be an off day if you walked in and didn't hear anything playing and Carina would always come over and she would sing her little heart out. It's a great thing to watch, really, to see this love of music in her grow as she herself grows."

Lily remembers the first time Carina ever sang and played her guitar for her. She's always known of Carina's virtuosity even before they officially met because she shared her passion for music in her letters, but it was in no way shape or form preparation for actually listening and seeing Carina's ability in the flesh. It was one of the most memorable moments that Lily shared with her.

"Keep at it, kid," Desi grins, placing a hand on her knee. "It'd be a shame if we were the only ones who ever gets to hear you."


*11:23 A.M*

"Naomi, if you don't stop kicking the back of Desi's seat right now I will stop this car and make you walk the rest of the way!" Amanda shouts, glaring at Naomi through the rearview mirror.

"But she started it!" Naomi argues, pointing right at the girl sitting in the passenger seat in front of her.

"I don't care who started it," Amanda sternly declares, her words slow and clear, "I'm finishing it."

Lily has her arm placed casually around Carina's shoulders as they lean back and enjoy the on-the-road entertainment provided by the three weirdest people they know. Desi kept turning around and poking Naomi's nose with a straw while she was sleeping because, well, it's Desi and when Desi is bored, y'all better watch out.

Then once she finally woke up, Naomi was pissed and she was determined to make Desi pay for interrupting her "beauty sleep", as she always calls it. Then their bickering got louder and louder and Naomi started kicking the back of her seat, which made Amanda explode.

"Well, damn, Amanda," Desi mutters under her breath. "Since when did you turn into a mom?"

"Since we all became friends," Amanda giggles, suddenly reverting back to her sweet self. "If a cop were to stop me on the side of road I would actually say, 'Hi, I'm Amanda and these are my four kids in the background' and I would be dead serious."

"That's one weird ass family," Naomi laughs. She then points at Lily and Carina. "And incestuous." Both of their cheeks turn a deep shade of red and they shift uncomfortably in their seats. Great. Now Naomi is making Lily feel weird for snuggling with Carina.

"Ew," Desi mumbles, mostly to herself. "That's kind of gross to think about."

"Kind of?" Carina squeaks, a look of disgust on her face. "But Lily is way too pale to be related to me."

Lily places a hand on her chest in offense and scoffs. "Excuse me? What does me being a little bit paler than you guys have anything to do with relations?"

"A little bit?" Carina repeats incredulously, her eyes wide. "Lily, you are so freaking pale."

Different mumbles of agreement come from all of the girls. Lily narrows her green eyes at all of the girls threateningly. "OKAY SO I'M PALE AS FUCK. I'll get tan by the time we leave the beach, you mark my words. When I get back home golden bronze, all of you owe me apologies."

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