Carina takes a moment to think, her lips slightly pursed and her eyebrows furrowed. "Well, I mean, I'd definitely have to cancel my plans today of sitting on my ass by myself watching movies and eating my weight in food but I think I can squeeze you in my very, very busy schedule," she jokes with a dramatic sigh.

Lily reaches over and slaps her arm playfully. "You're such a dork, I swear," she laughs. "But wow, I am so flattered you're choosing me and my friends over watching Easy A and munching on some snacks."

Carina suddenly looks at her in pure astonishment. "What the hell? How did you know I was planning on watching that today?"

Lily's eyes widen. A while ago Carina wrote to her telling her she watches that movie religiously and that she can actually recite the entire movie if someone asked her too and it just sort of slipped out. If she were ever an undercover agent, she would probably be dead right now by foolishly blowing her cover.

"Uh-well-I mean, who doesn't love that movie?" Lily stutters idiotically. Yeah she'd definitely be dead right now.

Luckily, Carina's incredibly oblivious but nevertheless endearing little self doesn't even notice and instead she's still marveling in amazement at the fact that Lily seemed to have miraculously pulled that movie out of her ass and got it right. "But that's my all-time favorite movie! Damn, are you a psychic or a mind-reader or something?"

No, but she can read her mess of a handwriting.

Lily chuckles and shakes her head. "No, Carina, I cannot read minds. Psh, don't be ridiculous."

Carina decides to shrug it off and doesn't ask any further questions. Thank god.

"So today after school right? Should I text Amanda right now and see if she's up for it?"

"Actually I think Naomi is going to ask her today in class."

Carina smiles excitedly and jigs a little in her seat. Lily can't tell if she's 17 or 7 sometimes and that's easily one of her favorite things about her. Carina keeps her on her toes and she's always so cute regardless. "This is so exciting!" she exclaims. "I'm really looking forward to having all of us spend time together."

Lily smiles and winks at her. "I'm really excited too."


"GUYS I'M SO FUCKING NERVOUS," Lily shouts anxiously as she paces back and forth around her living room while nibbling on her nails. "Oh my god, why wasn't I freaking out this morning when I asked her? It was so easy to ask her and now it's finally settled in and hit me. Oh god, I can't believe I asked her to hang out with me afterwards IN MY HOUSE. Carina is going to be here IN MY HOUSE after you guys leave. Fuck, it's going to be just me and Carina IN-"

"-IN YOUR HOUSE," Desi finishes for her with a roll of the eyes. "Yes, Lily, we know. But what are you flipping shit for? You act as if you didn't already have a little private slumber party with her a few nights ago," the younger girl smirks knowingly.

Lily shoots a glare at Desi, who's sitting on the couch beside Naomi. "Okay, that was different. She was horrified and I had to be there to help and comfort her so it's not like I was going to make a move on her while she was scared out of her mind." She continues to walk back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

"Lord, can you please sit down?" Naomi groans in annoyance. "You're stressing me out by just me watching you."

"OKAY WELL YOU CAN CLOSE YOUR EYES," Lily throws back lamely. She immediately regrets that immature comeback as soon as it slips past her lips. She swears she's not 5 years old.

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