Chapter 29 : Girls Likes Girls

Start from the beginning

"Are you ready for breakfast?" Akahana asked her and she nods.

"Miyanoshita-san and Otaki-san told us about the Kekkai. It's so scary, that I didn't get a good sleep." Akahana laughed it off but Himura was concerned. "It's not real, it's just made."

Himura found a towel on her futon and she put it on her head, tapping Akahana's shoulder, she made weird gestures with her fingers, giving the illusion of a spirit. "Bak-bakeneko!!" Akahana screamed and ran outside. "Run for your lives!! Bakeneko!!" She screams echoed in the hallways.

"Huh? Bakeneko? You must be joking." Hoshiko told her.

"Senpai, I'm not joking! A real bakeneko, it was tall as Murata-senpai!" Akahana persisted.

Hoshiko pouted and crossed her arms. "No way! Bakeneko doesn't exist, Akahana. Lemme show you." She walked to the class room, much to Akahana's constant worries. Opening the door, there was no one. "See? Nobody's here. And what? Are you gonna say the nekomata is here too?" Akahana sulked and ran to the cafeteria.


Rushing back to the gym where Keiko and she was supposed to meet, Hikaru was busy pining her hair like usual. Before she could go down the stairs, she halt abruptly and accidentally scared the hell out of the Karasuno first years. "I-I'm very sorry!!" She bowed profusely, the tall blond just told her it was okay. "It's fine, Yukimura-san!" She blushed at the voice, it was Hinata. "Hi-Hinata-san...! Ah, s-sorry!" She apologized again. "Weren't you listening, I told you it's fine." Hinata started to grew concerned for the girl.

"Yukimura-san! See? I'm still intact and not in itty-bitty pieces!" Hinata stood proud and smiled.

"Rea-really? Well then--I...right then." Hikaru smiled back at him, causing the baby crow to be flustered.

"My, the shrimp has found his match." The tall blond with glasses scoffed and left.

"Stingyshima!!" Hinata shouted.

Hikaru tilted her head, "...Stingy...shima?"

Hinata nodded and told her about his teammate and how annoyed he is with him. 'Sounds like Aoike-san.' Hikaru thought. "Hinata-san, aren't you supposed to be eating breakfast now?" Hikaru asked. Hinata finally remembered and slapped his own forehead. "Shoot, you're right! Bye, Yukimura-san!" The boy ran away, Hikaru just stood there and smiled subconsciously.

"Yukimura." She squeaked and jumped to see, Shibayama. "Nekomata-san is calling for you at gym 1." Shibayama told her.

"I see...! Alright!" Hikaru straightened her back and walked down the stairs, not until she stripped on her foot. "Ar-are you o-okay?" Shibayama checked on her. The ravenette gave him a thumbs-up and help herself up. Growing worried, Shibayama sweatdropped and watched Hikaru walk down the stairs. "I-if you wanna, I can sho-show you--show you the way there." He stuttered out loud. Feeling her cheeks getting warmer, Hikaru declined the kind offer with waving her hands around in a frantic motion. "I-I'm perfectly fine! Nope--nope, n-no clumsy Hikaru here...!"

"Hika-chaaaaan!!!" She flinched and turned to see, Keiko running up the stairs. "I was waiting for you for a long time!!" She whined.

"Sorry, Kurihashi. I can go now." Hikaru told her and the chestnut jumped in glee, until she noticed Shibayama. "What is Yuki-chan doing here?" Shibayama kept his mouth shut and ran away.

"That was weird."


Showing her notes, the coaches was proud of Himura. She was tasked with taking notes of the teams while Akahana was tasked with tending the team. "I see you've been working really hard there, Sara." Himura just waved her hand as "no." She wasn't working really hard, she was just doing what she was told to and it was writing down stuff.

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