My body lifted away from the sink, closing the gap between us.

I had the urge to shout at her and cuss her out for everything she had put me through. If she angered me that much, then maybe I could, but I fought it. She didn't deserve my time.

"You don't have the right to speak to me." I said under my breath, coming close to her face. "You won't now, and you won't ever."

Lily was quick to scowl at me, raising one of her eyebrows. I didn't care if she was going to get angry with me, as there was enough anger in my body to overpower hers.

I shook my head and walked past her, heading straight for the door that entered a hallway. I pushed it open with force and made my way through the crowds of students attending their next duties.

"Elora please!" Lily bellowed out to me, but I kept on walking between the students passing by.

I had the intention to ignore her and made my way to the courtyard to get some fresh air. "You're acting pathetic, you know that right!" Lily shouted, causing me to stop walking.

My back was turned towards the way she would be following. I balled my fists beneath my robe and clenched my jaw tightly. She had no right to talk to me in such a way and in no way did she have the right to disrespect me.

"I'm pathetic?" I spoke aloud, turning my body to meet her breathless body standing in the archway. "You have no right to call me pathetic, Lily."

"Please. I'm so deeply sorry, Elora." She began, knitting her eyebrows together. "You are my best friend and I miss you for Merlin's sake." Lily finished.

A few heads turned beside me, but I had no care to even worry about the looks we would be receiving. Everyone was there for the drama and I knew it would fulfill their curiosity. I had no patience to deal with everyone else whilst dealing with Lily, and it would just throw me off everything completely.

Not that talking to her so suddenly was on my cards, but I guess it would have happened at one point or another.

"If you were truly my best friend, then you wouldn't have fucked my boyfriend behind my back." I retorted, standing on business. My fists were tighter than ever, pinching my skin to the point it was hurting.

The pain didn't bother me. It helped me bite back from stepping too far over the line and lashing out.

Lily sighed, pointing the direction of her eyes away from mine before returning swiftly after. Her face was strong, not letting any emotion spill. "I feel terrible, Elora. I never intended to hurt you."

"Well too fucking bad." I said, throwing my hand in the air and waving it about. "You managed to hurt me from the second I saw you and Cedric getting busy last night."

The crowd around us was growing bigger by the second, eavesdropping in hopes of getting involved more with the events taking place. It was making me feel anxious to know that everyone was beginning to know our business, but they needed to be shamed for it. It was embarrassing for sure, but knowing that they would get the backlash for everything was highly intriguing.

Her cheeks were pressed in with her lips sealed tight as she looked at me with despair. She knew she had messed up from the beginning but there was no coming down from it. Everyone knew now, or atleast the growing crowd forming around us.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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