[The Next Day]


I've skipped school today, and I'm currently sitting on a bench in a children's park while making a sigh.

Y/n=.... I'll buy lunch somewhere and go home! I'm too bored here.

When I got up from the bench, the colour gold appears to my eyes.

When I look carefully, there is a blond haired girl that I'm familiar with.

She also notices me.



I then walk toward her.

Y/n=what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on the church right now?

Asia=Um, ah. I just taking a stroll here. How about you, aren't you supposed to be on the school?

Y/n=Etto... Hey how about we take a lunch together?

Asia=Um, Okay.

[Small Timeskip]

It's lunchtime and I took Asia to a fast food restaurant at the business district.

It seems like Asia never came to this kind of place before, so she is having a hard time choosing her meal.

I offered my help, but she said proudly, "It's fine, I will manage it somehow", so I have been watching her the whole time...

Y/n=Asia, Thinking carefully, you can't speak Japanese.

I then help her.

Y/n=Sorry. She will have the same order as me.


The employee takes the order. Asia on the other hand is shocked.

Asia=Auu, I'm ashamed. I can't even buy a single hamburger by myself...

Y/n=do not worry about it.

We head towards the empty table as soon as we got our meals while I encourage Asia who is feeling down.

We sat opposite each other, but Asia is taking a really good look at the hamburger and isn't eating it. Rather, does she even know how to eat it?

Y/n=Asia, you can eat this by taking the wrap off like this.

I then showed her how to eat a hamburger

Asia=T-There's actually a way to eat like that!? A-Amazing!

Y/n=You also eat the fries like this.

Asia=I see.

Y/n=You also eat, Asia.


She then takes a small bite of the burger.

Asia=D-Delicious! This burger is very delicious!

Y/n=You never ate a burger before?

Asia=No. I have seen it often on television, but it's my first time eating it. It's delicious!

Y/n=Oh. So what do you normally eat?

Asia=Um, usually i always eats bread ,soup and sometimes vegetables.

Y/n=Then eat it carefully so you remember the taste.




Y/n=We will go and have some fun now.


The Misfit Of Demon King (Male reader x High school dxd)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz