*Bonus Chapter* Christmas

Start from the beginning

"Invite all three of them, if you're so set on spending New Years with them."

I sigh. "Fine. I agree to all the above terms and conditions."

"Wonderful. Oh, and Jordan? If you skip New Years with us, then we'll be insisting on having Chase over for a family dinner, without the buffer of other people. And we will go over your head."

So they'd go to Chase's dad, probably meaning that he'd be invited as well, and then my parents would probably ask about Chase's mom during the dinner, and that's not something I want to do to my boyfriend. "Okay, I get it. I'll hold up my end of the deal."

My dad raises his eyebrows at me. At this point, I don't want to change their minds, so I resist the urge to roll my eyes and mutter a very reluctant, "Thanks."

"You're welcome," my mom practically sings as she leaves the room.

I end up feeling like I've made a deal with the devil.

But I'll get to spend Christmas with my boyfriend.

And that's worth selling my soul ten times over.

— —

I smile to myself as Jordan informs me of the deal he made with his parents to be able to spend Christmas at my house. We're currently cuddled up on my couch, watching Netflix together.

"-And then they threatened that they'd invite you and your dad over for a family dinner if I didn't hold up my end of the deal!"

"A very convincing threat indeed."

He eyes me suspiciously. "You're making fun of me."

I grin. "Babe, what's the worst that could happen? You get to spend Christmas here. We still get to hang out with Nate and Levi on New Years. And if that somehow doesn't happen, then my dad and I have dinner with your family."

"Chase... you know how they are. They don't think before they do things."

"Hmm, sounds like someone I know."

He rolls his eyes at me. "Chase."

"Jordan, I don't know why you're so worried."

He looks up at me with big, concerned eyes. "I don't want them to make you uncomfortable. Especially if they invite your family over, and then..."

Oh. Yeah. My absence of a mom. I should be worried by the prospect of that conversation, but I find myself more endeared by how sweet and considerate my boyfriend is. I press a soft kiss to his forehead. "It's okay. My dad is a pro at dealing with those conversations. And I'm not worried, because we'll be going back to school pretty soon anyways. They don't have a ton of time to carry out that threat, if we didn't go to your house on New Years."

"They'll never forget. They're spiteful like that. Next year, they'll probably demand that I have you over for Christmas dinner or something."

"A terrible fate."


I kiss his forehead again. "I love you."

He sits up straighter. "Are you asserting your height over me every time you lean down to kiss my forehead?"

I snort, pecking his cheek. "Better?"

"No. My mouth is right here."

I roll my eyes and press my lips to his, before pulling away a moment later and raising my eyebrows. "Are you happy now?"

He snuggles up to me again (coincidentally making it so that the only part of his face I can access is his forehead). "Yes. I love you too."

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