"Let's play truth or dare!" Nejire suggested, clapping her hands. "What are we, ten?" Ginger teased. "Well, do you got a better idea, Paprika?" Nejire roasted.


"I like that one. I think I'll use it." Hailey muttered, taking a shot to sake. "LIKE HELL YOU WILL!!" Ginger hissed.

Tamaki let out an exhausted sigh. He was so nice when I first met him...who knew he was such a scary hot head.

"I know! Let's play two truths and a lie!" Mirio beamed. "I'm down!" Y/n smiled.

"I'll go first!...I have a fear of flying, my favorite animal is a dog, and...my favorite holiday is Halloween!"

"Isn't your favorite holiday Christmas?" Nejire recalled. Mirio shrugged. "I don't know...is it?"

"You look like a dog person, but I think the lie is that you have a fear of flying!" Y/n said confidently.

"I'm with y/n. Which is the lie?" Ginger asked, swirling his bottle of sake around.

"Actually...I am afraid of flying! My favorite holiday is actually Christmas." Mirio admitted, leaning back onto the couch.

"Really? You're afraid of flying?" Hailey judged.

"Aren't you afraid of children." Ginger judged.

Hailey stuck out her bottom lip. "If you aren't afraid of those little devils, there's something wrong with you."

The group laughed at Hailey's remark. Y/n glanced over at Tamaki, her mouth nearly dropping to the floor. He's...he's laughing.

...He looks...so adorable when he laughs.

"Bye Hailey! Bye Ginger!" Y/n hugged her friends as they left her apartment

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"Bye Hailey! Bye Ginger!" Y/n hugged her friends as they left her apartment. "You guys really are the best."

"No need to thank us, y/n. You deserved it." Ginger whispered, hugging her tightly. "Rest up tonight. We don't have to work again till the 26th, so try to relax a bit."

"I better not see you at the shop." Hailey glared. Y/n gazed at her before bursting out laughing. "It's like you read my mind!...Okay, I promise I won't be there. Ginger, take her home."

"HUH!? Why!?"

"Why not!? It's late at night, and freezing cold. I don't want Hailey walking alone!" Y/n hissed.

Ginger creaked behind him to see Hailey giving him a devilish smirk. "Let's go, Ginger. I don't bite."

Ginger sighed. "I just might quit this job because of her." He joked, walking down the stairs of the complex. Hailey gave y/n a final wave. "Bye, boss."

"Bye!" Y/n smiled, turning back into her apartment. She noticed Mirio and Nejire slipping on their shoes. "Thanks for allowing us in your home! I had tons of fun!" Mirio thanked.

"Of course! You guys can come back anytime!...And thank you Nejire...for coming."

Nejire froze, turning to her ex-rival. Her cheeks turned a light pink. "Sure, whatever." She pouted.

Y/n gave her goodbyes to them as they left her apartment. She closed the front door, locking it, when she realized something.

Hold on. Nejire...Hailey...Ginger...Mirio...

She turned back to the living room to see Tamaki cleaning up plates and trash quietly. "Amajiki? Aren't you going to leave with them?"

Tamaki glanced up, shaking his head. "I-I figured you'd need help cleaning...you are a little tipsy." He muttered.

Y/n felt her heart flutter, giving a small grin. "...Oh! Before I forget! I have something for you! Be right back." She stumbled down a short hallway towards her bedroom.

When she returned, Tamaki noticed a medium sized purple gift bag in her hand. "...What's that?"

"It's a present. For you!"

Tamaki's cheeks painted in red. "W-What? Why?"

"Just open it!" Y/n pushed the gift to his chest. Tamaki took it in his hands, slowly taking out the tissue paper. "...A...A scarf and earmuffs." He whispered.

"Yeah! When we were putting up flyers, you seemed cold without them so...I bought you some." She explained, twiddling her thumbs behind her back.

Tamaki looked up at her, a tiny smile appearing on his face. "...Thank you, y/n."

She smiled. "No problem! You better wear them!" She gushed, walking over and plopping down on the couch tiredly. "Man, am I exhausted." She muttered, Tamaki setting down his gift and picking up plates to take to the sink.

"Did you have fun, Amajiki?" Y/n asked, kicking her legs up onto the couch and laying her head on the arm rest.

Tamaki nodded, running water in the sink. "...Yeah...I did."

A few moments later, he turned behind him to see
y/n passed out, snoring lightly. Tamaki sighed. She falls asleep so easily after drinking.

Tamaki continued to clean the apartment, washing dishes, sweeping, and taking out the trash. About 30 minutes later, he grabbed a near by blanket, spreading it over y/n's unconscious body.

He adjusted the blanket over her shoulders, watching her peacefully sleep. He smiled to himself, standing up and putting on his new earmuffs.  "...Thank you y/n...I promise we'll save the shop." He whispered, more to himself than her.

As we walked to the door, y/n smiled to herself. Thanks Tamaki.

 Thanks Tamaki

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