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and sometimes that sadness
gets so deep in you heart,
that you can't even cry.


today 3:02 am

do you ever just
look at yourself
in the mirror
and go: fuck i'm
so miserable?

i do, not as much
as i used to though.

idk, it's just late
my head's just
fucking me, i should
just go to bed i guess

will you be okay?

i hope so |
i hop |
i |

no. i'm so fucking
sad, i don't even
feel it anymore.
i just feel empty.
it's like i'm living
i every day on repeat
just waiting for
something that will
never happen to happen.
and i don't know
how much longer i
can keep up the act.
i'm so exhausted
moonshine, i'm sorry

don't ever apologize
for telling me how
you feel bubs
your feelings are
valid, and it's okay
to feel like that. it
fucking sucks, but
it's gonna get better
i promise. it will.

i'm glad you trusted
me with this corbs.
i appreciate it. i
wish there was more
i could do to help.

call me?

[ INCOMING VIDEO CALL: moonshine ]

corbyn pressed the green button with shaking hands and teary eyes. tonight was just one of those nights where he felt so fucking hopeless, that nothing seemed to help, and no matter how hard he tried to fall alseep, the sleep just wouldn't come to him, instead his whole body felt like it was aching as he turned around in his bed, in search of an comfortable position, but there were none.

"hi bubs, don't cry please," daniel mumbled softly as he looked at corbyn whose cheeks were wet with the remains of his tears.

"i'm sorry i'm such a mess," corbyn said, he felt like a burden, and he regretted texting daniel - he honestly, felt like such a bother. which was the main reason as to why he never told anyone about his problems. he didn't want to put his baggage on other people, didn't want them to know the truth about the hollowness in his chest.

"you're a beautiful mess, corbyn. and it's okay to be a mess, we all are sometimes." daniel said truthfully, he meant every single word, corbyn eyes were puffy and red, his cheeks were stained, his hair a mess. but he was still the most beautiful person that daniel had ever seen.

"i'm not bothering you right?" corbyn asked, his voice small and fragile. beautiful, his voice was beautiful even when it was breaking.

"never bubs, i'm so proud to be someone you trust enough to open up to. whenever you need me, i'm here okay? i promise, i'm always just one call away, whenever." daniel said reassuring the broken boy on the other end of the line, and for the first time that day a small smile appeared on corbyn's lips.

and there they were, two broken souls fighting to mend each other's broken pieces that didn't seem to fit anymore.

authors note !
sorry i hardly ever update this, for some reason i have to be in a specific mindset to write on it. which is something i only just realized today. this book has accidentally become very personal to me, and a way for me to describe the things and feelings that i've never admitted to having before. so in a way, i guess this book has become my venting place.

i hope you enjoyed this update, i'm hoping i'll be able to update more often soon. thank you so much for all the support, and merry christmas.

✓ MOONSHINE ─── 𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐘𝐍 𝐀𝐔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن