On The Way To The Academy...

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Hokage's Office, Present Day.

When one thinks of the position of Hokage, they think of one who has earned the title of strongest in the entire village. A shinobi that possesses the power to protect the village and all of its interests; that is what a Hokage is.

What most people don't usually think about however is how that doesn't just apply to physical conflicts. There are many other duties a Hokage must do. For some reason, normal citizens and rookie ninja never really consider sifting through mountains of paperwork to be one of the Hokage's responsibilities.

That was what Minato was doing until one of his elite bodyguards, Raidō Namiashi, rushed into the room.

"Lord Hokage, we have a problem!" he said.

"What is it?" Minato calmly questioned.

"We've been getting reports of some kind of wild chase happening throughout the village."

"Wild chase? Wild how?"

"According to the reports, two individuals have been jumping through rooftops, slipping through alleys and in and out of stores and overall disrupting day to day activities.

"Is there someone nearby that can convince them to stop?"

"That's the other thing..." Raidō averted his gaze, but Minato could still see the fear in his eyes. "Every shinobi nearby are too afraid to step in."


"I probably should have informed of the descriptions of the two in the reports. One of them is a small child with blonde hair and distinctive whisker marks on his cheeks and the other is a woman with long flowing red hair."

A weak chuckle slipped through Minato's lips. "Y-You don't say..."

Another aspect of the Hokage job that others don't really think about is balancing the responsibilities of work with the responsibilities one has towards their families. An even more obscure aspect of the are the scenarios when those two responsibilities come together.

"Alright, I'll go and get them to stop," Minato declared, slipping on his long white haori. "Raidō, where were they last seen?"

At that moment, the two heard something banging on the office windows. Turning around, Minato found his son swiftly going back and forth between the windows, hammering his fists on each one.

"Dad! Dad! Open up! Open up!" he cried.

Minato calmly opened the center window and watched in silence as Naruto dove under his desk. The fear on his son's face was all he needed to confirm the situation.

"Naruto, you know running just makes it worse...." he weakly encouraged.

"That's easy to say when she's not chasing you!" Naruto argued.

Minato contemplatively scratched the back of his head.

Can't argue with him there...


A sharp chill shot up their spines as they heard what sounded like a rampaging bull heading towards the office. Suddenly, everything went quiet. One would hope that the silence would signify the other participant of the chaotic chase went away, but they all knew better. Mere seconds later, the door to the office violently swung open.

Naruto's heart started to race as he heard the sound of someone stomping towards the desk. Images of his pursuer's face flashed in his mind. There were two faces that he was afraid of; there was their angry face and then there was their other face. The face that was even scarier. You couldn't even see their face when they're like that. Their face was blanketed by an out-of-nowhere shadow, as if to emphasize the blank white eyes and the demonic flowing red hair.

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