Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I thought of a new plan. A strategy to make them open their eyes. Jealousy! That was the best option I could think of. Make them jealous of each other. That was my brilliant plan. All I had to do was make them jealous and tease them a little to make them see how much they cared for each other. And how much they loved each other. And that they could be more than just friends. That would show them! I knew it had to help them realize their true feelings for each other.

So first I talked with my daughter. When I saw Jane watching tv all alone in Maura's living room, I started with my plan by saying:

"You know how much you hate it when I try to set you up with someone?"

"Yeah," she nodded her head in agreement, watching the screen in front of her.

"I was thinking... maybe I should set Maura up with someone. I think she wouldn't mind it. What do you think?" I asked but Jane just shrugged nonchalantly, paying attention to the game she was watching on tv and not any to me. She was so absorbed from that game, her eyes were glued to the screen.

"You know your cousin Carlo? I think they might like each other," I suggested, waiting for her immediate reaction.

"What? That scheming douchebag!? Tell me you're joking," she exclaimed and looked at me when she heard me say that. "He's not good enough for Maura."

"Okay then. Who do you suggest?" I asked but she just shrugged nonchalantly again and continued watching the game, ignoring me completely.

She didn't react the way I expected. I had to think of something else and I had to think fast. I just had to get her attention back again. She got distracted by the tv and now she wasn't paying me any attention and I just didn't know what to do. But then it hit me.

"You know Jane, I was thinking... maybe I should date women."

That definitely caught her attention. Jane's jaw dropped to the floor and she just stood there dumfounded, looking at me with disbelieve like I had said the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"Excuse me?" she managed to say, her eyes wide open in disbelieve.

"What do you think?" I asked her casually.

"You can't date a woman, Ma."

"Why not? I am currently single. And I am very open-minded person, you know."

"Since when?" she asked, surprised by my statement. I got her full attention now and I was glad I managed to do that in a matter of seconds.

"Jane, I didn't come out from the last century. I think it's normal. What do you think about two women dating?"

"It's fine by me," she shrugged nonchalantly and then she added, "as long as it's not you and another woman."

"But you're open to gay marriage and stuff like that?"

"I guess. I don't know, Ma. It's not like I am marrying a woman. And neither should you. Besides, where would you find a lesbian?"

"Well, I don't know... Do you know someone who is gay... or bisexual?"

"No. Not for you, I don't." Jane retorted quickly.

"What about Maura?" I asked, saying her name like it just came out of my mind.

"What about her?"

"Do you think she's a lesbian?" I asked, looking at Jane to see her reaction.

"Yeah. Judging from all the women she's been dating, she's definitely a lesbian."

"Maura has dated a woman?" I exclaimed, shocked to find out.

"Of course not, Ma! Don't be ridiculous. Just so you know, that was sarcasm. Don't tell me that now you're thinking to set Maura up with a woman."

"Maybe I should. That's a good idea. I suppose she'd be more open-minded than you."

"You can't do that, Ma. And besides, no woman would be good enough for Maura."

"And who do you think would be good enough for her then?" I asked and she shrugged again. Again with the shrugging!

"I don't know," she simply said.

"You?" I asked the question, making it seem as a joke but I raised my eyebrow questionably, waiting for an answer. I wanted to see her reaction at my statement.

"Gee, Ma. It's for the best if you don't set up anyone. Try not be so nosey all the time."

I noticed that Jane didn't answer my question, avoiding it completely but she got a bit tense. I planted the seed. My work with Jane was done.

After that I went and talked with Maura.

"Hey, Maura. I want to ask you something. Do you know how things are going between Jane and Casey? Do you think they will get back together when he comes back?"

"I don't know," answered Maura. "I think you should ask Jane, not me."

"I want your honest opinion about something... Do you think that Casey is good enough for Jane?"

"I don't know," she said, looking down at the floor, thinking about it. "Honestly... I think he isn't good for Jane... he doesn't deserve her. She will end up being hurt again."

"OK. Good to know. I want Jane to be happy and not get hurt by anyone," I said sincerely and Maura nodded her head understandingly.

"Me too," Maura agreed with me.

"And Casey, I just don't think he's meant for her... And plus, I always wanted a doctor in the family. You know, just like you."

She looked dumbfounded by my statement so I just walked away, leaving her to think about my words. I really gave her food for thought. Or at least I hoped so. I hoped she was good with hints and she would at least consider my words. 

Angela Rizzoli, the matchmakerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora