Chapter 1

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Angela Rizzoli, the matchmaker

Chapter 1

Angela's pov

I have had enough! They were made for each other and yet they didn't even know it - they were blind. Clueless. I could see that Maura and Jane liked each other. Very much at that. They probably even loved each other without even realizing it. But it was so obvious for me. And it was so maddening that they were probably the only ones who couldn't see it. Maura and Jane were like yin and yang - a perfect couple, completing each other in every possible way. They needed each other. I could see the chemistry between them, how much they cared for each other, the love in their eyes. They were more than just regular friends - that was so obvious. Their relationship might even seem odd for the others because Maura and Jane aren't the normal type of friends and I knew the reason why. They were in love with each other but they didn't realize it.

Living in Maura's guest house had its advantages - I could see Maura and Jane really often. I could say that Jane practically lived in Maura's house too because she was always there and not because of me - that's for sure. I knew that they probably wouldn't last even one day without seeing each other. I was well aware of their true feelings and yet it seemed that they weren't. They have fallen into oblivion and I didn't know what to do about it. All I knew was that I just had to do something. Give them a little push towards the right direction. They needed my help desperately.

They were perfect for each other - they just had to see it. I knew my daughter very well - she wasn't a sharer and yet she shared everything with Maura. My Jane is quite a character and yet Maura is able to put up with her though sometimes, even I wonder how she manages to do it. Jane also hated yoga so much and yet that didn't stop her from doing yoga with Maura whenever she asked her. I could see that Jane was ready to do whatever Maura wanted her, no matter what. And Maura, too. They both were ready to do anything for each other, go any lengths, and if that's not true love then I don't know what is.

If they weren't in love with each other then they wouldn't be so protective of each other and get so, so jealous when it comes to other men. I could clearly see how jealous Jane gets when Maura goes out on a date with a man and also how jealous Maura gets when Jane mentions Casey. I just don't know why they still wasted their time, trying to find a perfect men when what they both needed was right in front of their eyes. They were more than best friends. They were made for each other. They were true soul mates.

I have a sharp eye and I could read all the signs, and see beyond their facades. I could see how happy Jane gets when she is with Maura and I knew that Maura loves spending her time with Jane too. I mean, sometimes they even argued like an old married couple. I had so many reasons to believe that Maura and Jane were made for each other. And this proved beyond a reasonable doubt that they loved each other so very much. They just had to confess it.

But first, they had to see it for themselves. And I had to do something to make them see it. I had to open their eyes and make them see that they would make a perfect couple. I had to make a plan. I didn't know how exactly just yet but I was determined to make them an item. What I needed was a perfect plan. Though I didn't have any, for now, I was always prepared to take advantage of any situation that could help me get them together. And after I started with the mission, I began taking advantage of any situation just to get them together, bring them even closer and finally open their eyes.

Angela Rizzoli, the matchmakerWhere stories live. Discover now