The two girls look at him confused as they sat on the bench in the hallway. "What? No, we never said that."

"Ugh! Come on. She's got Rory wrapped around her little finger." Ethan says. 

"I can't believe he got a girlfriend before me," Benny mutters, leaning his head against the wall. Sarah smirks at Reagan.

"I wouldn't be too sure of that." 

Reagan's eyes widen at Sarah who gave her a look. Ethan quietly snorts as he heard the comment from Sarah, but thankfully, Benny did not. "We have to find a way to split them up, or... someone." Ethan turns to Reagan.

"You wouldn't mind flirting with Rory, would you?" Reagan laughs.

"You want me... to flirt with Rory? No thanks, I'd rather not." The girl crosses her arms. "We'll have Erica do it." 

Benny sighs from beside her. He was glad that she didn't agree to the plan. He didn't want her going against the doll and end up getting hurt, and he definitely didn't want to see her flirting with Rory.


"Still no call from Erica?" Ethan asks Reagan and Sarah, who shake their head. "I guess she bailed on us."

"No way," Sarah says. "Erica may be self-absorbed, but she always comes through for us."

Reagan nods. "She's our best friend. She'd do anything for us, just like we'd do anything for her." She notices Rory walking towards them. "Rory? Where's Debbie?"

"Beats me. She went off looking for 'the one who made her'." He explains. "You guys were right. That girl is whack. Sorry for not believing you, beautiful." He looks at Reagan. He walks away from them with a shake of his head.

"'The one who made her'? Who--" 

"Jane!" Ethan realized, cutting Benny off. "She's looking for Jane. I was supposed to pick her up after school." 

"Give me the keys. Reagan and I will pick her up and meet you there." 


"Thanks for picking me up, guys. You run really fast!" Jane tells them.

"Okay, we're going to hide from Debbie. It'll be fun." Sarah says to the young girl, shutting the front door. "So go to your favorite hiding spot, and be really quiet." 

"All right." Jane runs up the stairs and Sarah starts counting, but once she got to six, she stopped when the front door opened. The girls turn around to see Debbie Dazzle standing in front of them, one side of her face ripped with a brown eye color.

"I love hide and seek. Can I play?" Debbie asks, her voice sounding more like a robot.

"Stay away from Jane!" Sarah yells at the doll.

"She made me; she can fix me. But that doesn't mean we can't have some fun first." Debbie throws her arms towards the girls, but they duck before throwing a fist at Debbie, who easily caught it. Her hands turn blue as she sucks the energy out of the two female vampires. Reagan and Sarah groan as they fall to their knees.

"Jane." Debbie sings, walking past the two and limping up the stairs. "I want to play with you." From behind, Reagan weakly grunts as she holds onto the rail to keep her steady. When she got into arms reach, she grabs Debbie's shoulders and throws her down the stairs.

Her arms and legs were bent and her head was unattached from her body. "That wasn't very nice..." Her voice trails off.

Benny and Ethan run in through the back door and stopped when they saw Debbie. "You pretzeled her good!"

"Sarah, Reagan, you okay?" Ethan asks.

"We're okay." Sarah nods, looking up at Reagan who was seated on the step of the stairs.

"Ethan, what are you doing?" Benny asks his best friend as he picks up Debbie's head, holding it up.

"Scare Finder Rule Number Ten: nothing can do anything without a head." He smiles. Suddenly, Debbie's body began to move and snap her limbs back into place. Reagan stands full alert, watching Debbie grab her head from Ethan's hand as Benny screams. 

Sarah and the boys run up the stairs beside Reagan. Benny grabs onto the girl next to him, his heart practically beating out of his chest. Reagan bites the inside of her cheek as she hears the pounding heart, pushing down the craving as she tightly grabs onto Benny. 

"Guys, where's Jane?" Ethan asks Reagan and Sarah.

"She's in her hiding spot." Sarah answers. "You three go, and I'll hold her off as long as I can." 

Reagan's eyes widen. "What? Sarah, no--"

"Just go. Please." The two friends stare at each other before Reagan nods, pulling her best friends up the stairs.

Later, Benny and Reagan tried to get Jane to get out of Ethan's closet, which is her hiding spot while Ethan made up a plan of his own. They eventually got Jane out and had her show them the spell she said to bring Debbie to life. 

When they heard Ethan struggling, they pop out from the closet, Jane yells, "Onomonabeana!" A bright blue bolt leaves her hand and hits Debbie. She falls to the ground, back in her doll form.

"What happened to me?" Sarah asks when she entered Ethan's room. "What happened to you?" She looks at Ethan, who had his hair slicked back and was wearing sparkly clothing with a fake mustache. 

"Nice hair, man," Benny adds.

"Why are we in our clothes?" They turn around to see Ethan's parents laying on his bed. "Why are we in Ethan's bed?" They yelp as they saw the four teenagers staring at them.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan." Reagan awkwardly waves.


"So your parents don't remember anything?" Benny asks as they stood in Ethan's room.

"Nope. As far as they know, they came home and crashed for the whole day." Ethan says.

"Less talking, more dancing!" Jane shouts at the boys while Reagan and Sarah were dancing with her.

"You boys promised." Reagan sang as she twirled Jane around. Ethan turns up the music on his radio and all the teens danced.

To her surprise, she feels Benny grab her hand and spin her into his arms. The two laugh before dancing with each other. Everyone was laughing and jumping all over the place while Erica stayed in her seat.

"Come on, Erica! You said you wanted to go dancing." Sarah says.

"Yeah, don't be such a party pooper," Benny tells her, resulting in her hissing at him. "Or poop. Poop away!" He looks back at Reagan. "She scares me." The girl laughs before Benny spun her around once again. 

Erica eventually got up, moving her shoulders to the beat. Eventually, they all danced together and had the time of their lives.

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