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Why won't you look at me?

What does he have that I don't,what's so special about him? Why's he better than me? Since the day we met all I did was love you.

Jeongguk enters into his house after a hectic day of working hours.But only silence greats him no excited squeal no hugs no whispers of 'I missed you'.

A heave of sigh leaves his lips.Exhaustion clouding his features.He sits on the couch reminiscing the days when this house used to feel like home.When the arms of his beloved comforted him.His scent,his caramel soft skin,but above all his smile.

A soft smile adorns jeongguk's lips remembering that beautiful boxed shape smile,so unique just one of that smile was enough to make his day,bright his life.

Everyday he comes home to an empty apartment waiting for his beloved to return,to look at him with love filled eye's that he shows to that man.

His house void of any warmth,he just thinks to himself where did he go wrong?what did he lack that his beloved had to seek comfort in another's arm.

Morning comes and jeongguk groggily opens his eyes but shuts them immediately the bright light stung his eyes.Next time he opens them slowly to get used to the light.

He caresses the other side of bed,cold and unused.

He didn't return.


Am I that worthless that you can't even bother to return for the night?

He pushes his face more in the pillow,sorrow engulfing him.Why wouldn't his beloved return to him?Why?

People thought he lacked nothing,good look's,stable income to provide for his love,he loved his beloved unconditionally then just why?

He lays still on his bed trying to tell his mind to pretend,just pretend that everything was okay.He was happy he and his beloved.To just pretend he didn't wake up to an empty space next to him,that his beloved was down stairs.Dancing along to his favorite song bubbly as ever making breakfast for him.

When jeongguk steps inside the café he gets the betrayal of his life.His beloved sitting beside another man that man's head on his shoulder.While he softly caresses that man's hair.

Hands intertwined with each other,talking so softly and giggling cutely.It was an endearing sight for many.But for him it tore his heart to shreds and god did it hurt.

Why didn't you do that with me?

Why does your eye's shine with love when you look at him but never me?

Is it because that boy is smiley and more expressive?

If I start to act like him will you look at me?

Am I too stoic with my emotions?Is that it?Do you want me to be more affectionate?

I'd do anything for you.You just had to ask I'd bring the moon,tear the stars for you all you had to do was ask.

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