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After some time, the three Toads finally approached Princess Peach's castle. They were all huffing and puffing from how exhausted they were, but they were just relieved to get back to the castle safely.

Toadsworth approached them as they came into the castle.

"Master Mario! Thank goodness you-" He abruptly stopped as he saw that Mario wasn't here with the princess and instead, it was Yellow Toad, Toad and Blue Toad.

"Umm..." Toad began, awkwardly, shifting from side to side on his feet. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but we aren't Mario..."

"Yes, I see that now..." Toadsworth replied, reddening a bit from embarrassment and sheepishly scratching the back of his neck with one hand. "My apologizes, you three. I thought Master Mario made his return with the princess..."

The three of them just awkwardly stared and said nothing. Toadsworth just cleared his throat.

"Anyway, what are you all doing here?" He asked, leaning on his cane. "I mean, I sent Toad to go tell Master Mario that the princess has been kidnapped, but I didn't expect to see Blue Toad and Yellow Toad! Not that it's a bad thing, of course." He quickly added, slightly pushing up his glasses.

"It's a long story..." Toad chuckled, nervously. "But long story short, we found Yellow Toad, first. I then told Mario and Luigi to go rescue Princess Peach while Yellow Toad and I look for Blue Toad. Mario agreed to, but as long as all three of us returned to the castle safety after we found him. Now, the Mario Brothers are out on their adventures while we are here."

"Ah, I see," Toadsworth replied, intrigued in Toad's story. "Well, it's a good thing you are all safe and sound, nevertheless. The three of you should get cleaned up and back to work, though before Master Mario returns with the princess."

The three of them nodded in agreement.

"Sure thing, Toadsworth. I think that's a good idea. I've been covered in forestry and its scent for too long!" Blue Toad nodded. He then hurried out of the main lobby in a flash.

Toadsworth blinked in confusion then slowly turned around to watch him disappear. He then turned back around to face the other two Toads. The older Toad opened his mouth to speak, but then thought the better of it and just shook his head, slowly instead.

"Yeeaaahhh... That's another long story, too." Yellow Toad giggled, quietly.

"I think I'm alright to not hear that one, though!" Toadsworth remarked, playfully as he began chuckling and waved a dismissive hand in the air.

"Haha, fine with us!" Toad laughed.

"Well," Toadsworth began at last. "I still have some work around the kingdom to do, and I'm afraid that you two do as well, correct?"

"Yes, Toadsworth." Yellow Toad and Toad nodded and said in unison.

"Very well, then. Take care, you two. I'm glad you three are back safe and sound. I'll see you all later." And with that, Toadsworth turned on his heel and began to head towards some large brown doors.

"See you later, Toadsworth!" Toad called after him, waving.

"Take care as well!" Yellow Toad added.

They both watched him leave until he was fully out of sight and they both exchanged their "see ya later"'s to each other. With that, Yellow Toad and Toad went their separate ways to get cleaned up and do some unfinished work around the castle.
"Bro, are you absolutely CRAZY?!" Luigi screamed out as he watched his brother in horror.

Don't Leave Me... (Mario x Peach Story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα