"I don't know , we were watching family re-reunion my show and we got the the wedding episode and he freaked" I told her

"Another pooch hall incident" she asked and I nodded starting to cry again

"it's okay " she hugged me "but it's 20 years going down the drain" I sobbed "I just want him to come home" I yelled

"Ma what's wrong" Cree came down carrying Cairo "nothing baby" I said trying to fake smile for them

"mama" Cairo reached for tam and she laughed "tete tete" Tam said pointing to herself and Cairo said it

"Mom what's wrong" Cree said to me again "baby me and your daddy had a small disagreement" I sighed

"So he's not coming home for a couple of days " I told him and his face dropped "why not" he asked

"Mommy did something horrible and daddy didn't- no Tia , Cree your dad thinks your mom is something she's not" tam cut me off

"Tamera" I yelled in shock "no he can't keep doing that Tia you'll make him think it's right" she said she not wrong either

"Cree you and Cairo go upstairs go go go" I said and he took her upstairs "I'm gonna call him" I said and she snatched my phone

"Are you gonna cry" she asked looking like she already knew I was and if I said I wasn't I'd be lying

"Are you gonna cry" she asked looking like she already knew I was and if I said I wasn't I'd be lying

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Okay I'll cry" I admitted "I just want to tell him how I feel" I told her and she gave me my phone

"Hello Tia"Cory answered "why'd you delete our pictures" I asked "why didn't you delete you and Anthony's picture" he said

"Cory I'm sorry I'll delete them" I said going against what I had in mind and Tamera looked at me like I was Crazy

"Cory I'm sorry I'll delete them" I said going against what I had in mind and Tamera looked at me like I was Crazy

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Cory it's time for shooting" someone said on the other line "alright keke give me a minute" he said

"Is that keke palmer" I asked shocked "and what are y'all shooting" I asked "the oath" he answered

"She isn't even on the oath " I laughed "you know what bye Cory , you always want to r- I started to cry "you like to run away to leave me and always make me feel like an ass , WELL GUESS WHAT CORY I DO , I feel horrible okay ONCE AGAIN I FEEL LIKE IM THE REASON OUR MARRIAGE IS CRUMBLING CORY OKAY , yes I do shows where I'm married or in a relationship but ITS CALLED ACTING CORY ACTING BUT- but you know what have your tantrums okay , when you decide to come home let me know cause unlike you ILL NEVER LEAVE YOU , and I'll always love you Cory " I hung up

I dropped my phone and dropped to my knees crying again "you sure told him" tam said being sarcastic

"He's probably with that little girl laughing at me" I said "people always say I'm to fat maybe I need to work out" I said

"And my hair is to short maybe he'll like a wig better and if I dress super sex- tia stop it" tam said

"Your beautiful the way you are" she started to lecture me  "I don't ever wanna hear you dim yourself down" she said

"Look at you" she stood me in front of the big mirror in my living room

 "You look more beautiful now then when he met you" she added making me look at her "don't say that" I told her

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"You look more beautiful now then when he met you" she added making me look at her "don't say that" I told her

"Anthony said that on family reunion, I don't even want to do the show anymore" I told her "yes  you do and you are" she said

"Thanks for being here even though we're not on good grounds right now" I said looking at her

"I'll always be here for you" she said kissing my cheek "I love you" I told her "I love you to" she said back then we started talking

5 hours later

After talking to my sister I'm back on track , if my husband returns he returns but if he doesn't hey , I'll be waiting ..

life .. as a twin Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin