Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

        Wanting some answers, I followed after him as he led me outside to his car. He unlocked it and opened my door, waiting for me to get in, which I did reluctantly. Shutting my door, he went around and got in the driver’s side. I sat there staring at him, ready for some answers. “So how did you know? And what happened back there?” I asked.

        Looking out the windshield, he replied, “I know what you are because I’m one too. I could sense it when you walked in the building this morning. I’ve been the only one at this school; then, this morning I could sense another one; I could sense the aura. I tried finding out who it was, but when I saw you, I knew you were the one because the aura was strongest around you. When Kiana poured that water on you and your eyes changed, it just confirmed it.” I nodded. That’s why he was staring at me earlier.

        “So you’re a mermaid, too? You found the cave,” I alleged.

        He shook his head slightly, “We prefer mermen, and no. I was born like this.” Taken aback, I responded.

        “You were?”

        “Yes, the Elders were the only ones who were born with this gift until I came along. Everyone else just finds the cave, like you did,” he explained.

        “Elders? They’re the first mermaids? Or mermen?” Nodding again, he looked back at the doors to the school, something catching his attention. Turning to look, I saw students piling out the front, heading for the parking lot. “I should go before Avery comes looking for me,” I commented, getting out of the car. Hearing his door open as well, I heard him call out to me as I walked away. He grabbed my arm to stop me from going any further, and when I turned around, he was closer than I expected.

        “Look, I can help you. Okay?” He said in a low voice, not wanting the others around us to hear.

        “Help me? Help me how?” I retorted. He looked at a group of people who passed by before looking back at me.

        “I can help you to control it so that you don’t change whenever you touch water. So that you can live a semi-normal life.” It was quiet for a moment as I thought about what he said. “If you want me to help you, then meet me tonight.”

        “Fine. Where at?”  I asked, giving in.

        “The training pool. I’m the manager there, and it closes early tonight. I’ll make sure nobody else is there,” he said after thinking about it for a minute. Letting go of my arm, he walked back to his car and got in, driving away. When I turned to walk towards my car, I saw Kiana staring at me with a curious look from two cars down. 


Author's Note:

He's a merman! And yet, we still don't know his name. Well, I do ;)

At least he was somewhat of a gentleman, opening the car door for her.

Kiana is a little suspicious, wouldn't you agree?

Next chapter, you'll get to learn more about this mysterious man.

Story line and characters are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015.

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