Where was Miss Grande before the murder and where was she after

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Most of the stuff I wrote here are fake please dont hate on anyone in here some  are shorter then others,  there 35 celebrities in total involved  , enjoy reading. Cover - Queen_of_Betches
Please read all of it and make a guess on who or which people did it. All of the celebrities have a short input

Miss Grande was last saw alive at the
Grammys. Of course she won a few awards but maybe someone who didn't  win any,  was looking for revenge.  Grande would leave at 9pm and got home at 10pm. Only people who knew where she lived could of killed her unless.. she was killed in the award stadium and took home and placed there.
At her house,  there was a broken window which left sharp painful bits of glass inside her house, obviously they didn't have any keys. Grande had a slit going across her neck and when made it to the hostipal she died.

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