Harley looked up at Pope and managed a smile this time. "No. Nothing like that. I just had a bad dream and now I just feel famished."

"Oh right. Well, you'll definitely feel better after you eat. Oh and I read somewhere that chamomile can help with bad dreams, it's supposed to be calming. Or talking about it helps... you could talk to me about it if you wanted. I'm a good listener and it wouldn't have to go any further than this room. Or I could get John B."

"Chamomile. I'll keep that in mind. But, no it's okay. It was just a stupid dream. I was drowning and I couldn't get to the surface." It was only part of her dream, but she didn't want to discuss it any further.

"Is it like a memory from how you ended up here?"

Harley nodded. "Probably. It could be another time I had drowned but obviously I wouldn't know. Honestly it's stupid, we should get back to the others."

"Okay. And we can get you eating something," Pope chuckled.

Harley grinned back. "Yeah. Thanks Pope." Harley stood up and helped Pope pack up the bandages and antiseptic. He then led her back into the kitchen where the others sat around the dining table. In front of one of the empty seats, a bacon, egg and cheese bagel sat on a plate accompanied by a glass of strawberry milkshake, that Big John had bought upon John B's request.

All eyes found Harley and Pope as they entered. Pope sat beside Kiara on one side and Harley took the seat she assumed to be for her, between John B and JJ. As soon as she slid into the seat, JJ stretched an arm over her shoulder with a cheesy grin, "Feeling better Harley Davidson?"

"Did you just call me a motorcycle?" Harley pulled a weird face. "Should I be offended?"

"Of course not, I love Harley's."

John B swiftly pushed JJ's arm from around Harley and glared at him mouthing, "Moron."

"Thank you for the bagel," Harley voiced not sure exactly who to thank.

"Anything for our guest New Yorker."

Harley tried not to frown at his use of the word guest. It just reinforced her ephemeral stay.

Kiara sighed from her spot. "How many times JJ? We don't know that Harley is from New York."

"Well it's not impossible. Wait until we meet her crime family."

Whilst JJ and Kiara went back and forth with the occasional note from Pope, John B decided to speak to Harley. They hadn't really spoken since he left her to go to the marsh with the gang and when they had returned she was knocked out on her bed. She only woke up to eat then went back to sleep. John B's dad had put it down to the girl still needing recovery time and time to reenergise after her first week living in the Routledge home. John B wasn't too sure, because Harley had looked rather sad and out of it over dinner.

He nudged her softly whilst she slowly chewed on her breakfast. She looked over, away from the bickering, and focused on John B.

"Are you sure you're okay. You seem distant, like you did yesterday over dinner. Did something happen?"

"I'm okay. I've just been feeling very exhausted."

CASTAWAY ⚓ R.C, J.MWhere stories live. Discover now