"What is the ruckus down here?" A female voice came from behind me who I immediately recognized as my mother.

"Amity has a soulmate..." Emira's breaths were short and shallow as if she just ran a marathon.

"Ahh good Amity. We can now restore the Blight name now that you are normal." My father spoke with pride in his voice as he stood tall along with it.

"The three of you need to head off the school now. I don't care that Amity got her soulmate, we didn't get this name by being late. Now run along." My mother put a hand on my shoulder, drawing me out of my thoughts.

I looked over to her while I stood tall. She had a smile on her face and joy in her eye's.

This may be the once in my life I could see my mother genuinely happy. I wanted to saver this moment but I knew if I didn't do what I was told she wouldn't be happy for long.

"Yes mother." I turned, heading out the kitchen with Ed and Em following behing me.

The walk to school was completely silent.

Not a word was exchanged from the three of us.

Although I was considered 'popular', I knew that nobody really thought of me as anything more then a outcast.

I thought my enire life I would live as an outsider. Nobody wanting to be friends with the weird girl with no soulmate.

But this changes everything.

We arrived at the front of Hexside as Ed and Em split off from me, still as flabbergasted as before.

I walked over to my group of so called 'friends', who were standing by my locker.

I honestly didn't feel like talking to them. They were all fake know it all's that my parents deemed as 'worthy' to be my friend.

They didn't matter to me right now. What mattered was finding my soulmate. If I were to find my soulmate within day's of finally getting one my parents would be proud.

Not only that but it means I would be able to make up for all the lost time I had without them.

My eye's were still wide and my gaw hung open as I stopped infront of them.

"Hey Amity. What's with your face?" Boscha said barly looking up from her scroll.

I slowly raised my left hand so they all could see as I kept my eye's glued on the floor, never looking up.

All their eye's widened as they looked at my finger, seeing the red glow emanate off the ring.

"Oh my god Amity! That great! You finally have a soulmate! Took them long enough." Skara said while playing with the pages of her book.

"It just showed up this morning."

My friend's smiled at me reassuringly before turning back to their scrolls with bland expressions as if nothing happened.

Before anything else I felt somebody bump into me from behind, followed by a loud thud.

I snapped my head around so fast you could feel the wind from the movement.

"Watch where you're going!" I growled to the girl on the floor behind me.

"Oh if it isn't half a witch Willow." I folded my arm's looking at the girl as she started to stand up.

She had a large abomination pot next to her, where she repositioned herself infront of it.

My group looked up from their scrolls, their bland faces replaced by scowls.

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