Thousand of Miles

Start from the beginning

- I understand you. How many times do we just want to believe that we can put an end to an unpleasant phase and start a new phase because we are sincerely committed to some change in the way we see or live our life ...

- My coming to Kazakhstan was motivated by this desire to start over ...

- In that sense, your life really changed ...

- Truth.

Not even in my wildest dreams would I have imagined all the changes my life has undergone in less than a year. And how Dimash would become the center of my life.

- Well, today is a party day and I prefer not to see that cloud of sadness that just crossed your face again, so, let's talk about party! I don't know if you know Almaty's Central Park. Today there will be a great celebration of Nauryz: the municipal government has organized areas of the park for traditional Kazakh games, sports competitions and platforms for concerts and eating areas. You will have an experience of immersion in the joy of the Kazakh people! And now, take your coat and let's go! Your driver is ready to take you!

Mukhtar bows and makes me laugh.

Mukhtar drives and I see the movement in the city. We arrived at the park and there are many people dressed in typical clothes, very colorful. Everything is beautiful in the beginning of spring! "The swallow's song please grant spring jasmine to all households. Guests from the east and west, travelers from the north and south, in addition to all the mountains and rivers, we are connected by an angelic soul ... Through efforts, common dreams appear, in every home spring will blossom"...

We strolled through the park all morning. Theatrical performances are spread throughout the park and we hear a lot of Kazakh music. There is a fair of products from the region, including the famous Almaty apples. Mukhtar keeps telling me stories from the region and explaining the meaning of colors, clothes, decorative objects. It is amazing how Mukhtar manages to give a special color to each story he tells.

At lunch, he made a point of taking me to eat Nauryz-kozhe in one of the yurts, those magnificent colored tents that were built around the Park.

- You know, Kazakhs think that if you eat a lot of this dish in Nauryz, then the year will be prosperous. It is a rich nutritious soup that is cooked from 7 ingredients: meat, water, flour, butter, cereal, salt and milk. Each component of the dish symbolizes one of the seven principles of life: growth, luck, happiness, wealth, health, wisdom and protection of the heavens. I think you will like it.

He's right, Nauryz-kozhe is very tasty. We talked about these traditions and Mukhtar explains these traditions in such a clear and respectful way. A real Kazakh.

It is interesting how quiet and comfortable I feel with him. Could I fall in love with him? If there were no Dimash in my life, for sure. But is Dimash really in my life? Or, on the contrary, am I in his life?

- And there is that cloud of sadness again on your face! Time to watch some sports competitions, today you will see national "toguz kumalak" contests, which I doubt you know how to play, but which I will be kind enough to teach you how to play with all the patience that a Kazakh can have. But what I think you will really enjoy are the horse competitions. I know you know how to ride.

- Will there be kiss competitions?

- From "kyz-ku"? Of course!

- I read about it: the boy chases the girl. If he reaches her, he can steal a kiss from her. If he doesn't reach her, the girl follows him with a whip.

- Your description is very funny, but that's it. I think you'll enjoy it!

We spent the whole afternoon busy strolling through the park and watching the competitions. Mukhtar tells me that it is a tradition at Nauryz to give gifts to loved ones. He then gives me a beautiful handmade "toguz kumalak" tray. I buy him a very nice tunic, with gold details in traditional patterns. I look around. Should I buy something for Dimash? I don't know what I could give you. He has everything.

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