More than meets the eye

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Another shitty fanfic!!

Chapter 1

My name is Alexander Hamilton and now I live a blissful life with my foster family and friends. My foster parents who we see often are Martha and George Washington, but they stay in  a different place cause they have a 3 year old biological kid. . But I guess I don't really mind. I mean the bullshit I pull sometimes is enough to get me grounded for eternity. My foster brothers are Burr and Laf. Laf is a little overbearing and protective but it's cause he cares about me, and is over emotional. I don't have a wonderful relationship with burr but not a horrible one either we're honestly fine with each other despite our imbecilic arguments. And then there's my sister Maria who's a senior in another school as well as burr. But of course I get stuck with the nut job who's is my eccentric brother. He has this obsession with making sure everyone is safe and happy, I'm assuming because of his past childhood trauma but still only an assumption. Then my friends which I suppose met me after being friends with Laf for years but aight I guess.

A little more on me, I'm from the Caribbean a small island called Nevis. My beautiful mother passed away when I was ten. She was sick and so was I but she didn't seem to have the heart to make it, my dads a deadbeat asshole who I'm happy is the fuck away from me. My biological brother died from drowning . There were massive hurricanes where I lived. And then my cousin Peter who committed suicide only two years ago,  So life wasn't great, it was dark and depressing and it sent me into like 12 mental illnesses I still haven't recovered from, but how fucked up could things get now?

Then there's John Lauren's, the guy who everyone stays away from or is told to do so.

He's known as the rich and spoiled aggressive hothead with no friends who everyone 'hates.' This is his reputation, he's known for getting into fights daily or skipping class or some other bullshit I don't have the energy to give a shit about.

This is because I honestly don't know If he's as bad as people say he is. I've personally never actually talked to him I've been told to stay away because he's an asshole.

I I can't have an opinion on someone who I've never spoken to, I can't have an opinion on his views or thoughts or intelligence or reasoning simply because I'm unaware of it.

What I do have an opinion on are his looks, His hazelnut eyes with a flecks of autumn, but it is very easy to see the pain and tiredness in them.  It isn't hidden. His frizzy hair is always tied up in a messy ponytail but hair's poking out from every corner, his skin looks soft and supple to touch, the millions of intricately placed freckles, his pursed lips. I could go on and on about him if I wanted to but that would make me look like a stalker.

My opinion on his looks? He's simply gorgeous to see.

I can't help but stare subconsciously.

But he's... intriguing

There's no point in simply wondering when I could find out

I checked around the hall to make sure no one could see me, I wasn't ashamed I just didn't Laf to go into mom mode or something.

I cautiously approached, not wishing to seem nervous

Alex leant against the lockers where John was standing

"Lauren's right?"

"Yeah, what's it to you?"

He took a quick glance at Alexander and as he felt a smile creep up upon his face he turned back to his locker bashfully.

"And you are?"

"Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton"

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"A conversation would be nice."


"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure"

"Why are you always getting into pointless fights?"

"To you they seem pointless, not to me. Plus you get into fights quite often if I recall"

"I don't go around punching people"

"No Alex not with fists, with words. You fight with words as It appears more elegant and classy, I fight with fists and with primal instinct because I don't care if I get hurt. And these fights aren't 'pointless' as you say. The people I fight deserve it entirely, in case you haven't noticed I don't fight good people only the ignorant morons."

"Huh, oddly understandable."

I turned to see Laf walking this way with the others, in my panic I replied it 'see him around' and it was left at that. Laf beckoned over.

"Hey guys, where's Peggy"

Herc snickered and whispered something inaudible to Angelica and she repeated

"My sister is writing our constitutional rights on the bathroom mirror with lipstick and every way school ignores them."

"She has a point"

And then the bell rang but the conversation continued between them as I decided it would be best to run to class.


I'm quite confident in the subject but I still find it interesting to see how many important details and topics are missed out.

History was finally over and Alexander decided to prepare to walk home when something interest caught his eye.

He was walking down the street on his usual route when he passed the park to see a sight which was quite intriguing. John Lauren's smoking behind a tree. He was going to approach when he got a text from Laf

Dumbassbaguette : You on ur way home?

Ham: Yeah, you at french club?

Dumbassbaguette: yeah

Alex shoved his phone deep into his pockets and began his walk towards Lauren's

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